The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2025)

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1905. T7 thA MMtilr that I brAhle wRrrnto. ererr Irrlsatloo address eontalos tue most sen, in o. BUSINESSES FOB BALE OK WANTED.

ON THE LAND. datterloi reference, to tb. work I. the llBllsd .1 appolotTn, a Boy.l Commls- States. and sars not a word her failures.

lon into the whole queetloo. As a matter of fact, the money- wasted In i as last week Mr. A.hton an-ussuceeuful Irrigation acbomea In nounced that he had arranged to throw open -m hu. ur. the Irrlsated lerrltorr of! a block of 46.000 acre, on the North Coast.

IVAN HEN it BLIND READBR8 IN CONFERENCE. A conference was opened at the Sydney Industrial Blind Institution yesterday for the A PLEASANT mfOTIIlUlE -OR TOAoT IT EVERY MEAL. LAUNDRY, good plant and ssseatafctr srists FAUX AND STATION. FEATURES OF THE IRRIGATION CONFERENCE. which Is satisfactory, though It Is pss.lng purpose of considering suggested alterations strsnge that after the frenzied haste with (oe Braille type.

Professor Anderson wblrh the Mysll Creek Estate was purchased snd among those on the pl.t. muJS "TSrZXSZitvm Wr. Victoria. The men ruined misappropriation of siur and other Irrigation troubles In America would people Isrg. portion of our ki- I wrmtMP OB It.

SAO CREAM CRACKERS. XX SODA BISCUITS. ARNOTTS THE NATURAL BISCUIT TO EAT WITH CHEESE. ju jjizirz-iFS Slnclslr, I out Irrigation schemes suo Mr. Sutherland Sinclair, Ur.

D. Levy, Suppressed eagerness describes tbs state Buppressed esgerness aescrtoe. customer, arlling miougn HAlKDUEittlNU, 81 ATiO.NiMtV, U-. WW well Sited, chair. t-I stock.

TEAROOMS, city, haiiaauniely 8ued, wild trade, wort Inapn'tlon, suit 8 Indie. oQ. lilU sK, city, small rent. fttraaw. lu per m.

Uwrdvra, leaving HUW, bargain. CONFECTIONER', main iirM, bright ahop, well flocked, selling urgent family reasons, dner wanted, NEWiTauKNCY, block, 4000 dallies, big ihop trade, well stocked, any trial, good w-GENERAL tfiOKB, big stock, good dwelling, horae, cart, takea 40 to 50, valuation price. LAONDH hand only, wiling today, gilt, CUL'XTttY HOTEL, Southern lint, any leas at CI tkga. 24 3 week, AVISO. COCNTltY HOTEL, lllawarra district, let y- rent 3, cah ingoing 300.

a COUNTRY HOTKL, main railway terminus. leses 9 trade UW cash lo. to lesrn to carry fc to b. of feeling among the country delegates to the lr t0 ,0 m.klng Jrom l.nd. re.umed snd rlgstlon conference, which sssembled in Syd- mlttMkn.

Irrlgstlsn, to the very th. nucleu, 0 fund, from 'JV ney yesterdsy. Ths conference embrsces a dn, tn. to be: wipe ont the rendered neces- There wore about 200 blind person spresuing oi in. Mr.

kui 7 yn, tow. io. ITuirouslilare. leu. fia.

evef vCaVweeet. aniesdid irT rental. 4 luo. atrSi biuuw. 1 yra.

mffi duS toiSula l.tentlon.l ired. nwlnceat appoint. BOTH ARE OF EXCEPTIONAL MANUFACTURE AND VERY IIOaT AND DELICIOUS. 0o. In declaring the oonferenee open, Hojue strsnge mixture of city snd suburbsn lawyers, engineers, members of Psrllsment representing suburbsn constituencies, senatora and members of the House of Representatlyes, learned, and until It Jd.ri "---v and be learned.

This Is tbe lesson tb. msp of nd.r fflf yt Up to Victoria presents to th. delegstes, ana it tne palrT or States has been: should nerve them and those they, repre- (1) To tne and and use the proceeds sent to the task of forcing som. Government revenue; (2) to horrow money and buy k.w th. lanii thv old: ts to sil again.

country busineas men, and city magnates. said that there waa a movement throughout the world to Improve tbe system of Brail la teaching, and those present would discuss that matter, as well as other suggestions that had been made. There were several branches of the Braille system In various parts of tba world, and the great object aimed at was to obtalo, at any rate aa nearly as possible, a uniformity In that style of teaching. It could to give the mates Beginning old Wu. furniture value SulU3S.

HTT-BTIIKKft. THAT COOLING EFFECT fur driaklnf hot Us Is frudr twhanfi tba Us bs T. i- mnA Asenta. It ana raai unw T. ii pi).

aiiaa. 11 I) room. Is lodgers. work. The conference will mum.

this morning In St. Jsmes'-chsmbers. st 10 o'clock. ft I11A BOARDING K.ul.iumneiil. U.rllnnliupi.

elfnotly Iumi.hrd lull blficUl. "GOLDENIA" "GOLDENIA." easily be understood thst great Inconvenience could be caused to persons who. Ti. '), to eanf lease. 1 ss.i Va tak.

li. eaily worked, 1100. Jry. RYAN. -lime), railway paya 140 month.

bouden, iKW, lull cub. stupid fashion. It will Be Interesting to lesrn. now thst tbe Government hsve Jettisoned its leasing plank and adopted whole-hog alienation In Its stesd. whether some mesns wilt be devised whereby the rentsls or purcbsse monev of tbe settlers will be set sslde to be used In psylng for the estates resumed under their precloua Closer Settlement Act.

Mostanslous of sll tbeH elements wss the settle! from th. In-liable districts, who. hav ing seen his grestest Interest used as a politics) plaything during many years, has come to Sydney hoping against hope that at Isst the country Is to receive a definite undertaking that Irrigation works will be begun within a reasonably period of time. "Do you think it will come to anything?" was tb. question on msny lips snd every sun-tsnnud facs.

Baser aa they were, the settlers lis 81 THE MANUFACTURE OF CHEESE. ad tK. knowledi. having learnt one system, travelled to a OAKt)iSti Jutl8fci, 10 rooma, rent 81a, boardera. a I ao r- iiax -Hotel, rent, inn-mit, anil inaui- bennM then fa an added nhM Is the eamtlonallT delletou.

Istoot. that, beloi perfectly it la perfectly whole aoae. ALL GROCERS AND STOREKEEPERS. gnod lurnituru. awtiiwm country where a different style of teaching was adopted.

It waa extraordinary what could be accomplished by blind persons. If fine preniise. bo qu. uaiiy, III. Soedham and Co.

Circular Ouay, 7 yra. aama huniti. tur KM nm iwn- GhAhltAL AKtut, aiiop, 0 rooma, Inw mit, traue 3) weekly, proof, at valuation, about 100. NKKDHAU and it was not for such places as the Industrial Blind Institution blind people would be In a deplorable condition. Through that agency the unfortunate people were nut in the war tened pstiently throughout the long sddrcss of the Minuter for Works, snd the speech of 81 fciioiliPtn-Bi-rrci.

HOUSES AKD LAND FOB SALE. of earnlog their own living, and also of ass I st 1trrr and tireeiigroctry, double aliop. 0 room, rent Sua, trade 14 weekly. Sredham and (g. ing oiners to ao tne same.

Ti. hlA-V-liotfl. Hwuwn, 6 J- IT i 27 nmpaft lumitc. ault beginner, a.100. BYA.N.-Hrtri.

Oxlord at. Ukfnga 2a it i imiiiwliale tale wanted, W0. rent 3, any leaae, proof trade. 8 i 3tl in cosy home. M.

St Haj-niarkel. long leaK, aver-i tgt bw trade. HW rent 375. h. V.

at biwy aub. nation, lb yean tro Premier, which followed almost imme-dlstelr. They listened to the time-worn dls Professor Anderson Stuart. In nroDostnr a lUM' and lea Kooma. wnire i-ity.

grand vote of thanks to Mr. Hocus, ssld that th- atock. etc. bargain. ifeanam.

sertations on the spleodld results of Irrigstlon Government of the country bad always been 5j In Etrrnt. In California, and even in Victoria, KKDHAM and 31 "Wwlionvry. Ktimmer I) rink a. ahoD. rtHinia.

atock, etc, W. DISEASES IN STOCK. MOREB, Monday. Out of two mobs of Queensland cattle sent to Moree for sale IS were condemned and shot to-day. They were suffering from pleuro.

cancer, and tuberculosis. These were passed at Brenda on the "travelling" statement, and were described as unsound, for boiling-down at Moree. NUNDLE, Monday. There Js pleuro amongst stock about Ave miles from here. SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERATIVE VENTURE.

hilliarda. 5iO. It at 4. ot the enormous sztsnt of territory In this Slste which might be turned Into a smiling 3 "OOARUl.Na-UOUSE, bo portion Phillip atreet. luily hanged, 10 lumiahed, alwaya full, only 2i depoait, UUnce, VAN.

Hotel, city, many yrara unc rTATioN raou feet, east termi torrens title. CHOICE RESIDENTIAL SITES. GRAND BARBOUR VIEWS. BEKRY ESTATE, NORTH SYDNEY. ASSISTANCE TO BUILD.


The Minister for Agricu iure has ade a new departure) la connection with dairying. Dissatisfied with the present condition of cheesemaklng Industry, and convinced that an article equal In quality to that which abundantly made in New Zealand could be turned out in many parts of New Boutn Wales. Mr. Moore has engaged an instructor. Mr.

W. Graham, late manager of the wai-koualtl Cheese Factory. New Zealand, has been appointed under the title of cheese Instructor on' the staff of the dairy expert, and his services will be available free to all factories and farmers who desire to Improve their methods of cbeesemaking. Mr. Graham has obtained the highest prices on the English market for the cheese turned out by him.

He practises the present Canadian method of Cheddar cheesemaklng. which has been introduced with so much success into New Zealand, and also Into Scotland. Mr. Graham will be able to remain for weeks at a time In cheese districts, and those wishing to practise tbe most up-to-date Cheddar system should communicate th Department of Agriculture at once. Agricultural societies ii I 54'i.

big r'try 120 week, xsrden were th. waters of tb. rivers but at rcaay tertua, mum oe aoia. 2 lwa, NKKDIIAU and 31 EHiaheth-atreet. Hotel, country.

rent J. V. tak. 30 very good to tne institution, and in Its early life a grant of 500 par annum was made, bo-cause It was found impossible to carry on tho work without assistance. The Institution, with the assistance received from other sources, was now self-supporting, and the committee) had been placed in the unique position of Informing the Government that they could carry on operatlona without further help.

(Applause. 400., 'i it, int, price. Includ. atock. 'XTEEIillAM and 31 Eliubetb at.

Boarding-bouae, verted and brought within reach of the people on the land. It was a very old story, familiar to every man In the conference who baa the Hotel, near Sydney, auit beginner, Sydney. II well fumUhed. lli. V.

A.Y IT rent 1. 113; ft'uthCoaet. Uk. 3A. 450.

.450. -OARI)INtl btahlinhnipnt. beat iMiiition DarlinKhurit. i. V.

RYAN. Hotel, beat country town, owner will 19 rooma, well lurniahnl and appointed throughout. least practical Interest In tbe subject of lr rlsstlon. Probably It waa to a certain extou' have a lovely COTTAGE for SALE In gin i leaae, uk. a-iw pnrt a.auw.

us yeara tame nanus, furniture, nnen, L. WILLIAMS. Royal -chamber, corner Hunter' NEK I) II AM and CO. and faailereagh ata. EaUb.

JO yeara. ODC11 NO -HOUSE, 12 roomi, good position, lurniture, gooa locaniy, nanoy to tram, Data, etc, water view; rather than let we will accept a depoait of. say, 25, and the balance can be paid off as rent. 20s or fnBUIT and rt. 12a, ahop and 5 rooms, uni-n, etc, eelnanl ana in, more weekly; price, 690.

Land, 4ft i 200. This Is IT horse, cart, outaide run of customers, nice living, "YTIRUIT, Greengrocery, comer iKwitton, 6 rooma, tr. 20 real bargain. toly 'M. owner leaving Sydney, MELBOURNE, Monday.

At the first half-yearly general meeting of shareholders of the Western District Factories Co-ooeratlve Produce Company, necesssry that tbe value ot irrigation should be demonstrated, even If the ezsmples of countries which are not properly applicable to Austrsllsn conditions had to be brought In. lhls, Indeed, has always been considered the proper thing to do when opening a meeting on a- sea lea. stock, tin. Mrcinam ana i a chance to avoid paying rent. Quite new.

built under atchitect Inspection invited. STANTON and SON, 10P Pltt-st, snd Mosman. Q. L. WILLIAMS, Itoyahclianibera, 3 jLatiertaign-at.

-oNWvf n'ri'nkl iTrTT dbl. aliun. 0 rooms, irood THE BE8T VALUE- WORTH INSPECTION. EASY TERMS. TORRENS TITLE.

The Vendors advance liberally to mit tc Md, or will build to buyer's owndesign, on payments, extending over any period up to jlRtTT, Vegetabtea, Drinks, Confectionery, main at, (mj ile, mirrors, show cases, 40. Neetlliam. mirrors show in hM at Warrnambool on Saturday, a report rain traiie over counter Jti per wrcH, wen pv -v tBb a. l'roperties, good positions. fOSM AN.

Splendid may also arrange for demonstrations Mr. wflber, a delegate from Western Australia, said that be remembered that when first became blind everything seemed to bo dark, and there appeared to be no way out of the difficulty. A teacher looked him up, however, and said "you can learn the Braille system In a couple of weeks." He did so, and afterwards learnt to use the typewriter. Ha believed tbat even after a man bad lost his sight he should be self-supporting, and when there were advantages such sji Sydney possessed no person should be allowed to beg In tbe streets. He regretted, however, that thero were more blind beggars tu this city than la mt 20a, nice residence.

6 rooma, only 45. gd. sound I 1000, 750, 400; don't forget, tbe subject. barnina. D.

MARQUIS, ear. m. Miiitary-rosa. cheesemaklng in their districts at any suit- was submitted showing that the operations able factory or farmhouse. Owing to tbe high; had been attended with complete price which best cheese is fetching In com- the business bad been placed on a sound Dsrlson with butter.

It Is an'lclpated that basis, and suppliers were well satisfied with many districts suitable for Hi rounufacture i the prices obtained. The manager. Mr. M. of high-class cheese will take up this branch W.

Osborne, said that when the company waa of dalrylnff. At the present prices of best formed they were told oar and over again ARTIIITRSLRIGH ESTATE. Dulwicta Hill, right at iilOd Specially fed, Bacon perfectlr cured, for HUT-WardVll-rSS I RaHway Station, and cke to tram. iT TON'S "Pineapple- Bacon snJ Hams. naraeu-r-aa riiwy oi XI.

trial siven. no tinpot r- st Drtf-l'DV i thoroughly sound and JROCERY and Ueneral, ahop, 5 trade 35, price Q. L. WILLI AS. -b'it 170.

old cub. Newlham and Co. Wit i mat onlv 45. barsain. T-; only 14 pinutea Srom city by rail.

Splendid Lots, TSOVFECTIONERY, Drinks, main St. One stand, "XTEEDHAM and 31 Eluabcth at. Milk Run, 43 beautif. atw-ked and fitted, illneaa, William. gala, daily, good horse, cart, plant, U0.

I KTJ8ICAL IKSTBDlCSHTa cheese, milk snouid be worm aooui oa periins-i vu ll" to law ana qvt CAMI'SIE, 22 minutes from city, tone's threw from railway level Lots, bet snd cheapest in district. 60 150 ft, from 20 each. Delegates who have studied the question for several years probsbly recognised tbls, but they were not listening Intently on thst account. They were trying to catch an assursnce to the effect that the Government recognised that tbe time had passed for Hiking shout irrigstlon In Egypt, and that the great work was about to be tackled In New South Wales. They, however, strained their esrs In vain.

Mr. Lee certainly assured them that the Government meant to tbe country that It took more gallon net for chetf.cro:L:pg. TTAU, Beef, best offered In market, no oppoat TTOTEL, suburb, 7 Ms weekly, Wg snap, 1W. IP. tion, price 70.

O. L. Williama. iT.H,TKI" citJf 8 5 1 "'s Tooth's A. L.

WILLIAMS, Royal-i hambeni. Hunter and Caa- hi 42 tlereaeh ata. Take lilt. Only addrena. 2 2n Wffl1' rmt iIn- ylCTOR PIANOS AT PALING'S.

tallera of Melbourne they would be landed with hundreds of pounds of bad debta, but the fact was that after doing business for four months, and turning over 150,000 during that period, tbey bad not made sixpence In bad debts. LP1CHIIARDT, good Lota, from 45 A RABBIT DISEASE. lEL, ToothaTtram leaae 10-35 WfV bar trade w), Jusepn ana iw 1 rrm fOO'JEE. close to Beach. -High Land, 5s foot rem t3 0B, nnns.

dm m. hotki anH fin. KM KinK-st. 'burb. Jowph Mng-il.

Mr. Edward E. Vercy writes: Noticing a i5tl. IKITFI ritv tfoft JTi, i MORTLAKK. Deep water Frontages, at Pier, from VICTOR PIANOS are made specially to our order In two of the most up-to-date factories in the world.

They art the beat value money can buy at the price asked for them, and are any city in tne uommonweaitn. men should be kept off the street, and If they would not attend an Institution such as that they should be set to pick oakum. Professor Anderson Stuart regretted that there were so many blind beggars In the streets. Tbe trouble, however, lay with tho public who gave them money. He thought public sentiment should be educated In that particular.

There was plenty of work for those people to do at tbe Institution, and If necessary they could find profitable employ ment for 30 people at once. The trouble, however, wan tbat they could not be got to work, not that tbe work could not bo found for them. Hot II ji I. k.H Tvtta fpnm 90 Mch. JiTih ind ll hing lt.

lli.yfr,. nloa. rail rAIIIIKN ami fiORMI.ET. DISTRICT ITEMS. ALBURY.

It la commonly believed that the ROSE HAY ESTATE, fronting tram line and main OTEL. Ucorp it. nan orm up. ujroun nty Hmk-rhhra. Ml (nnp.

Honlfrn (Ipnrffi- than a passing interest in the matter, and said Herald," perhaps a few lines from mo on the also that tbe decisions of the conference would, same subject may be of Interest. From 1880 bo taken as a direction by the Administration, to 1882 I was in the district around Dattlo-v- ii. ni.w ford snd Fort Edmonton. North-west Terr I XI hv larffi. ITlWt.

JtMopll. 10ft Kind-It. roads. Splenrtirt views, rmm careless preparation of phosphorus Is largely HOTKL, corner poMUon, Toolli'l. 7 Mr JJ.

SINKsi littlnn worth 1 BTANMHRE, WEST KIMH1U.H BKli, clow tadi 3Ti Jonh Inn Kinit Zl "ip. 1 and tr. n. from ja in. It.

iuiij guaranteed Dy us. We sell on easy terms. Old Pianos taken la part payment at their full value. Write for Free Catalogues. IIUAHI'IAU nUL.16, ii J.

Ill 31 II I r. I ii, Pi It Street. ih. ih.t (h. torv.

Canada- During that time rabbits were PMponslble for bush Arcs, and that this by the Prem er that, at present, the Govern-, pIeDtlful and increasing, but I was told by imT W0)jM bft minimised if the preparation ment bas no Irrigation policy beyond the usual CrM mdlans and others that a few years of phosphorus and Its sale for rabbit polson-ansurances thst It recognises tbe Importance of i before they had almost died out from a jn, were surrounded with some restrictions. niceiy ki. aopiny mi, stock yeara, alwaya full, muat sell at once, great hargain, ''TKWKLLERY BUSINESS. In country, for SALE, S. JOSEPH an.1 1M Kingatreet.

ej about iiis. annlv Plans and 6tU particulars from INTERCOLONIAL INVESTMENT 14 Moore-street, city. Estab. 1885. W.

J. DOUGLAS, Manager. to a .1,1.1. v.i. disease, which, thev said, was caused oy a.

Mr. Hedger said that during the last two t0ARDINn-HOl SE, city, near Gardens, li. HOKFNl'XG and Ltd. Inw nut. well anlendid luano.

LTD- Is heartily sick and tired. 771 -m- it. tn North CoMt Co-operative Company for: tn- KOir-Rj and PnviaJons. commanding corner. IdXre tireiTiiaM.


tenmrk nrka(r nlrl MtahlMhed. alwaya full, butter and bacon snowed a maintenance or 1 Thai PramlftP tiari hat-rilv Inta VI mtrA awace, iaL JOSEPH and J0Kingatreet, turnover tt) cash trade, urgent reasons Mlltng, and some never anew an inaisn to cm raoon. 'th wvirii mnnth's iurnnvr before he complslned that the Government i im my brother and myself spent several 'h bi" toOARDlNG-HOrsE. city. 25 rm rent Pitt -at! 'ere made.

The lnh and Co. 1 "Hfr m- IM no reaa. offer ref. I. Ilenrv.

1.14 1 a. 1 anti lit dim -1. i. AND supply NEW PIANOS, "-u total quantity of butter manufactured for tne before the conference, lust aa thouarh this miles from Ssn Antonio. Teiss.

Both hsres Th. nrlre n.irl to un- 0DG1NG-HOUSK, city, 12 rent SM, exrepuonai gd. 8 stabliur. aito gd. type, in 1901 tho British and Foreign Blind Association appointed a committee to Inqulro Into and report on tho matter, with a view of seeing If any Improvement could be effected in the present system.

The committee, after sitting aome months, suggested a serleo of recommendations for the Improvement of tho Braille as a whole. The Idea of establishing a uniform system of Braille would commend A. to be at Tennyson en the 80th. You can insnect those allotment for Sale OB 6 J-i chance, 10 lodger. 40.

Josepn ana io. TARDF ni4 ro T- handsomely fitted, up to date. A.165. Josepn. great scheme could be undertaken In three in numerous.

pHer, waa ii per lb for Brst-clsss. snd 7ld Th. fn i 0 nedoff them coo.t.ntly. We noticed a slight in weeks. The very cold douche which followed Mra tpTTM at the aame time.

nnrses verv 10 Tears Guarantee. As Weekly. 4 Months' Trial. NO DEPOSIT. the pig supply, through the dry westher, but Two salesmen will be on the estate to show vial ton this complaint must hsve chilled th.

mwt either. They thst they were Ts'd Ths' Tomp.n7 -ssngulne of the sun-tsnned delegstes. The diseased: at times, certslnly. we found a wjJ 7 use and Joaenh and tv- inimiirm 7 rowunt, stable, cond husinraa. itself to everyone interestea in tne wenaro pe.ser proceeaea to state tnat practically faooi.

uUl naprn -Th. butter orlze. at the Danto -piANOS, PIANOS. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. BU.Mi.ESS, hrst-ciaaa bottle, bar.

and ship- JT NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY. TERMS REDUCED; nothing could be done for years to come. The tnem. une nay, naving a nsre, i gfc swarded as follow: 601b. auffl- of the bllrd, but they had no guarantee that It a universal scheme waa adopted In England hop 450.

Joseph and Co. "tth and tilling of Boot and Stioe Busineas, cult Lots 68 180, from 6s to 16s per foot. Blocks from 1 to 10 acres, from 30 per acre. PLANS AND BOOKS Or VIEWS ARTHint RICHARD and 11T Pitt; or BATT, ROOD, and PL'RVES, 88 Pitt-. TOSEPH and Business Acents, est.

1WW, largeat that tbe blind institutions would strictly register Businesses ana in iint-u A and Ice Cream, good pay. conorn. specul wiling. O. V.

VU. adhere to one particular system, while they had the liberty at any time or Introducing alterations which they might think would atill further Improve on the last one adopted. OWfcS and 40 aail erea it street, opp. Aut. Hotel.

Board ing-houae. very high-toned, and handsomely rum. house, water frontage, with a. hatha and large grounds, one finest houses in N.S.W.. bargain.

good paying JioteU lor tule at lobar. Write particulars. J. U. Stoti.

rr whol. of the Irrigation scheme, projected on It "idT. 00" the du-' clentl, for table use lllawarra Co-would cost 10,000.000, snd Mr. Csrruthers covered nest of which at once operative Central Dairy Company, Jam-dwelt at length upon the Impossibility of became very lively. The surrounding psrts beroo Co-operative Dairy Company, 2.

Box raising 10,000.000 of money. On this he sug- were very much Infismed. This, a Texan told Jl satt butter for expo rt. lllawarra C. D.

largely raised by the people who bsd the tM th(rmB' Sorae ei(tht or in years ago 1 1 GOULBURN. The committee of tbe A.P. greatest Interest In having tbe schemes rea4 a letter In one of the Sydney papers and H. Society is taking preliminary steps to-carried out, that Is to say, ths people of New from a doctor, resident tn some part of this wards securing a new and larger show-South Wales. Hts sketch of tbe future policy State, who had examined a rabbit, and found ground.

A number of those present aiscussea tne ba Kd. town, bandy run fitted and aMONF. and Refresh inrnts, handsomel; SECOND HAND INSTRl'MENTS EQUAL TO NEW. Including Magnificent Uprirht Grand 8TE1SWAT (almost new). Upright Grand SCHWECMTEN.

UPP. Upritht Grand BROAD WOOD. ZITTFR and WINKLE- Lprisht Grand BRINSUEAD. MANN. Upright Grand SCUAAF.



Pt'RSHS. TO. Mli 6 ACRES for in per month. Pull price. In favour of the adoption or tne system pro posed by the British Braille committee.

They 6 per acre. Torrens Title. uood sou. well sheltered, and 1 miles from Camp AUEM and Urote.r. do.n,;,,, PW UN local paliera, takin( week, eaeentlon.1 alue.

Bock. We ni reoonunend thi. aa a bona nde inveat- K11 -nutn. old e.l.b., gent: tM. OWES and aatlerewh alreel.

CONK, and Xewa Awney. one linen atanda in Svdney. Jjl iV' .7,7. 1 "T1 doin. icO.

proof. rhni liletime. 1:1110. Owen. IM uTTT ahnn store.

takinea all. to rent embraced th cnnatitutinn of ici trusts affected with the same disease as I have GRENFELL. The rain will do an immense bell town station. ARTHCR RICK AKD and 117 Pitt-sL liberally s. a urscrinra srovf, conciuun, merciurs.

tsniouni oi goou, ana is just in lima mmm assisted by tne state, and sup- ri nr tir ht tA tht which that mat rnn whih in TTALF-ACRE AT MKOLOW were oi opinion inai iuv new vwuunnwu. abbreviations would be a great improvement. It waa thought, however, that the third grade suggested was too difficult for men of ordinary. Intelligence to master. The conference will be resumed this J-a.

OR 10 MONTHLY. vuuinuunuus irum iub 'n-iun. destroys the rabbit in America. L1SMORB. Mr.

W. H. Gray has been elect alue stock icn r- gECON'D-HAND PIANOS, i ne people would have to pay for irrigation. pt- nut.t to-day. Owen and Co.

ed chairman of the board of directors of the PRWlSION and Bl'rrKB bllOP. beat loi-aliiv. t-acre at Medlow Bath, near station, rv price 25, payable 10 noathly. To rena. ARTHCH RfCKARD and 117 Pitt-et.

but It would be worth paying for. The Pre- EQUAL TO NEW, main at. uk. rent Ida, he bought at roat atork. Owen.

aVkeFttricn WiImw. Weber, Belling, mler's statemenU concerning tbe financial CARRIAGE AND EXPORT OF WHEAT. OL'SK and L. Agency, rem roll shows 3 week, North Coast Co-operative Company. MILTON.

A special meeting of the committee of the Agricultural Society has decided to abandon the show tbls year, as It was considered that owinr to tha dr weather it votiipmin; aies, 2 marble top counters, refriger-ator butler culler plant, and Urge outside cash run, great aatriflce, only 00. and Lota of Other, from 14. sterling Owen and 40 onlv 1 ner foot. Datable in monthlv inatalment semi'Grands, by Pleycl. Vogel, Cramer.

aspect may be capable of another Interpretation, but the delegates are seised with the Idea that the actual responsibility of the A1KURESSKH. A good Iradetman can aecure half- PROVISIONS. Herald. EXC'fepTIONAl. naRntiva share in wund n.

4Q tstiereagn-at, city, Hil" "Plendld rising p'osi'tion. doi'ng 'CornstolV writes: Will you ARTHUR RICKARD and 117 Pitt-st, grant me would not be a success. HAEPATITIS CURED IN CAMPERDOWS THE CASE OF MR. T. B.

FISHER. space In your valued columns to offer a few. Government In the matter of a definite under Cash or Easr Terma Amnged. 0. H.

MARTIN, to Victoria Market. George-itreet. NOWRA. A largely-attended meeting of oiii.ivi. I i.

rnr nariicuia PpJy luTKLKKKPER. CPn For particular. standing with the country waa aide-tracked re anove. ana tne position or non- f4rmerB of district waa held fiL'Bl HBAN HOTEL, centiY of chief street, and right amongst shops and busineas places, rent equal to 'a If week, good leaae, handsomely furnished, takings Star only, ,75 week, billiard, large ground, ingoing U9. WARDEN, Httffnune'a-chamhen.

ISt Pitt-street, next to G.P.O. I in centre of by tho statement that many a year must 1 up .7, Uomm Ssturdsy at the School A nuir.L, of Arts, to. JJLVY'S FOR RELIABLE PIANOS, low font. "Mnitia. ii arjfs i From one to anv number nf rnnma.

gstthar tn fir lng leaae, Innv Imu consider proposal to form more oi money cou.a n. belnr not liable allow their only, expenses light. prinHp.1, Ty; no gents. acquire the Denham Bros Ipany own or any design. We will promptly send yon plans and quotation qq receipt of inquiry.

rival lhii iieraid fBi I ther should BomsdeVrV to rSn It on ltM lllawarra line, r. 4, tS i 3H's week, lease 10 il45it. i 4 HONEY-MAKING little Hotel, in Eastern Suburb. 3LTl'HI-ntlNO BUiUN-KSH, central portition, can be 1 horw' marble fittings, at GEORGE HUDSON snd SON, Hefent-street, Bedfera. Telephones: 1578 CentraL CASH OB TIME PAYMENT.


lwis lntyre. or Jas- elther the Murray River acheme, recommended incipal cause of dsmsge. penalise presided. Mr. Rlchsrd Shepherd, by th.

interstst. commlulon ss that from in a'Bstes appointed to In- which th. he.t k. ststlonmssters. csn show thst a I proper th.

owners, reported thst Mr. Den- i.i. tiwitrr miDi itav. P. fH N7 and (U, CroWa Net.

Xnrih Hyd. Ui'good lease at pis rent, proved paymenta tor 12 month. beer 10 Wi monthly tor same mod. brewer' advance under 100, .10 cash, or ioz Keotern. f.

rnM.m,.i real THE CHANCERY ESTATES 13 Phillip-Mr, rtvdtlCV. havt tho follow. hamlsia fets 6ala- in im, imrpun. win may. is.

gper. v. exsmlnsttons were made at in. receiving ne- ul, th the, Murrumbldgea acheme. with th.

Barren pot. and at en route. Shortsses "11 iZtmilnV ovi? aM 5 Jsck reservoir thrown In. could be undertaken occur mostly through Inattention In the load- i. i.

YYTM. I'IChKHING. 15 Lrtdg. 8 tmnniing a-cnamners. iw ritt-sriwi.

next io rent. l. same hand." 17 at rent. alwiVft full, aama, haswt. It un if TOT EL.

nnncirul street of buy Hestern Suburb, emd Irot. frame PIANOS, nearly by raising tenth of the amount mentioned! i 'n of trucks, ss the rsllwsv representstlve Is of chairman; explained that the new. offered rhean tn-riav. In nn earar. eif the neit Itwhlw' elanee.

and h.a no ITU pifcrDivn nc vii Rockdale. real home and bargain. 4 '5 fc-- -teii. Store, rent 12s, Brick COTTAGE. 2d tram.

bargain. XX lf4sc 6 years, rent 2. payments 8 month, bar 31 week, beer 4) week, all counter trade, once toe grana total mat would need to b. r. r.

ractory nao cost ni. nrm a(7uu, ana tney -rani. gin. Woodn CTiTTAGFR. 1M inn fnv.

rui TEKKII.L-S. gTATIONERY and Fanc-ygoods, owner retiring from Canley Yale. Splendid nrw brick VILLA, 4 rriins. walk 1S0-1S4 Oeorgetreet Weat. mnxtmcd in 10 years, thoroughly genuine, 3io.

WARDEN. dirt al.on 1 i "I'T" I'1' STrfS, aWI. Hnffnting's-chsmbrra, 11 Pltt-trlreet. next to G.P.O. 8 pretty brick COTTAGES, each on 40 110 ft, st Lewi CKI.I.ES.

Tnliannnist. 414. 41A Oxford-st. nam, easy Terms. and W1.

rpo ORGANISTS, CHI'RtHES, etc. A masnlScent 00 ruinea Corniah ORGAN, price 36. TERR1LL and raised The Irrigstlon work, of Vlctorls. long S. ehlpper'a what I.

loadea rt! to flsht orTerat ion' quoted In thl. Stat, aa a example the and a "not liable" tally at MllJ'SSMiTTMSS! snd a reason why w. should keep on putting I jnd doe. the rest. In shunting sometime, bsg. fM. th? wa. Accepted off irrigation to the day of judgment, have not i 'ks. but should riot he lost, as on a sufficient number of shsres cost 2.000,000. Before referring to ths cost "hscrlbed In Hv.

weeks. Mr. Denham of th. project th. Premier el.bor.ted tb, LJLewf.

"Z'lT ZrZSZS'll kp the ftory. going. ot project ins rremler elsborsted tree orercome. aa In an. met ru.h.

bv workln. TJHOTOGRAI'HKRS. LEADING COUNTRY JfTlDlO, A AUBU'IN. Dctachtd Rrir-k TITTAfll! It snnmi GROCERIES, dr. -Tidy little Shop, in busy clean, well trade 15, rent 15a; price a.45.

avluding the furn. (S rms. and or would sell without furn. GEO. THOMAS.

59 Elizabeth -street. tieorfe atreer weat. half hill, kitchsn, fiel tubs, bath, city inn wimoui Biiparatua, negatives. Apply OWNKS Maar Maenlf. BAKER and ROUSE, George-at reet.

New Inrlaht Grand 7tl PUNn l. v. and hawks. Amtioneera. AiTn RN.

GRILL and TEA ROOMS, spld. city' stand, always busy, trsde 20 week, dwelling, rent 80s, well w. uranam ana j. Nelson, or Ksn BURN. LaiKe Bock of Gntunri.

rwwlv bnral U'l r1' 1 urinKa. must sell through bad Ai health, rrrv n-fn. An i rii. n-A I imrtuirwrBi, -i. nooreH.

"uui. uv i more men or overtime, it aa is statea tne i. Ojford etreet P.O. nrn.M. Iw lh.

Th. tno. Al- Campbell, of Oerrlngong: tied and found, any trial. with small imr'tivomenta, water laid on. handy to of v.o.

Tin i maw. ki its net n-at reet. iji anop, noracs. cart, comnl. nlant.

I rsllwav atati at.iiaKt.. f.rr. I of I. Ih.t h. ShToa oeenov th.

berth. onepnera. OR DON'S, 40 Flinders-si. import their Pianos rect from the factory, therefore the most reliable. e.

l.eK.ln. h.lla.t hssfnfas thA. OI DrflTi DB 1. E0DGING-IIOU8E, near railway, in well clean and well kept, always full, price tiH; strtala living for Uiy. "Ci LEO ANT Piano.

10. 12, 15. and 18. great I ireniB mwua be respected, each to receive wht .7 ih. h.tVh i Cambewarra.

wese elected provl- J- "renncn, c.o. T. A. Field, Par. Hark Price Cltft.

LANG on. I DAWKS. AiicllmnWrs. Aub.iml BiT5GsTViT lVv- t' A At BUlt.V.-A superior Shp ropr-Ry. well huilt.

I. tent. a Ann-st. Surrv II. A in position, gnod Tdelling, nice block OIK1INU HOUSE for Sale, cheap, lu beda, muat sell i 'd, Turens title; a lMrgain.

330. AnPlv IM Klwt-tlt t. city. LANG snd I'AWKS. AuM i-nra AtBITRN.

j-j est hargatn, in Sydn-y. GordAn's. Flindera-at. a Just and proper share of the avallablo The dlarharalng and loading of stiffening oirectora; ana Mr. t.

Tnurgato secre- VwtV.v-.--,v.T. i -m Tne otarnaraing ana loaning oi simening. titAt. i hi as r.iiganeinsTreer. 1 1 KM INK flnian Piano, quite new.

30. ran waiter. This la th nnl nrlnrlnla nnnn ia a a tl. 'Sry. 7UK SALE fiting order, 'lw' 7Z ZZ KmZZ body of settlers Is likely to agree to be- ot Darling Island for leading Is up to 10 Mp w.

ACHES BPLENniD LAND at South Tr. KH ph.ipkutv m. e.ri ACRKS BPLEXnill l.NI Vt JKJ nuMM. I. en.ploy nV ngent or canvassers, therefore "nZiZZ: responsible for the interest on the cost on? requires sufBelent men to run It at Vttl hUm rZtffiLZiH wot.

livlni I I i "'I' I Vurutv lor TotUse or r1-' lor atahilii), leltimt nurnoa w. aituatioe, and ac- An old eriaMlshed ROLLER FLOPR M1U, (1-Bag IW), menlly brousht up to date, TTAIRORESSINfl TOBArcoNlsf re.its Ai-47 10. Torrens W. A. UM.MI Buyers.

At tent ion. -Avoid being and Upkeep of a Scheme Of distribution; MW ana wo would near few tn ntn dled lom. months in fwrn lerald. I-KTTIT, 19 Knirmrc -road. Railway Bridge.

Newtovn. iT dltecl to Gordon'. 40 FlIndenT-st. n. rvtfard fact it I.

the onlv nrlnclnle thst Is do, hi loading of wheat. Tho "JJ montha ago from tho Detached New D. F. 1 jlANOLA, also Royal P.ano trstsUtri a iLTLZu? i JlaJeS 1 ru'l should take step, to se snd Brick cottaoe, aubstantially built umier special samples, less than coat. 45 Hunter-st.

'j'11 educated community. It disposes at i the berthage space Is not used for anchorage.l ROBERTSON. For the month of December Ttiere'I. Rood loeal aate for the sour, a Uirgeip to Pimliaie for taab. sute price rice ful! purti.iilu.rfl.

Inter, i the RobertMn Dairy Comnanv natrl toting Trade ia done. fcn i-'Tvey, alated roof, verandaha back and front, 6 Urge! abroad, offers new 120 Piano, used 3 times, onc of tne ranger Of Water concessions being Pittree m.m hall, and all large yard, 10 mins. "jT tor 10 guineas U-U. Herald Branch. granted to individuals, syndicates, or COm- ADY drsires to Buy private) v.

IIDARDIVG-lliil'SR Mllson's Point, splen, order, easy term. Cards to 81d for butter fat per equal to 3d per gallon for milk. Owing to the continued dry and hot weather the milk aupply Is getting CLOSER SETTLEMENT. lIANt wanted lor danccroom. no dealer.

Make and panles, since no such Interest could afford to L4 in givnd locality, must have mflicient buardera to "w- JOHN rHILI.ll'S and Devomh I r--street. a 1 1 )pciwr. unwm casn prw The above Is an exceptional opportunity for a com. Jttnt man with 'moderate capital. Apply by letter la first instance to II.

c.o. Messrs. Perkhis and Fosherv, rilt-street, Sy.lnee. Royal, llersM Office. IVT a minutes' easr walk of station.

"it iuw. nnm nattiy WSnteO. SPRINQWOOD. Supplies of wster for do- ixatvx Partieiilar. Ami.

Iteriiri. Sll existing rishtS. Mr. J. C.

L. Pltxpstrlck writes: "I hsvs B1TCHERS. Wantcil. sound hiitnhi.rttiit.T" BLOCK, 75 4io ft, good mil. fine elevated land.

rpo WANTKD, Second-hand pianos, anv rondition. ri business hsrdly went beyond tbe opening not yet been sble to peruse the provisions sitha. or r'try. doing larir trade, must stand: Kr- ll. mestlc purposes sre running low.

So fsr there hsve not been sny serious bush fire, in th. lippor Bonlarh pret. Muaic. P.O., Victoria kta. of ihe Ulnl.t.e for Work, and th.

of the Act recently passed by the N.s.w. NEAR WINDSOR. Very Eaay Terma. Torre na Title. BOYD and Pitt -street.

'sniWiinri. Appiy wtiii trade everv week, cash and booking. prire, Fills. Ilarmkt. P.O..

1 TO LET. in the principjl part of the town, an ui.inci. YERONO CREEK. Pastoral lei. FnToreTw, Pnmier yesterdsy.

hut it seemed thst th. Psrllsment. Apparently very little time, r.nmore rnatisee. was lost by the Minister for Lands In making rAGMFirKXT German Iron frame PiANOS. Government relied on the conference to de- v.

EWSI'APKR. -Wanted CITY SHOP INVESTMENT, GEORGE-STREET. luonniiFr, in an- large' or wlM Partner-hip. I to Purchase. In anv Israel ciose Animmy Mortwrn a new premises.

iina wni JJL landed ei Rhein. tlonein'a. i Klindera at. n. Oaf.

clde uoon th. moot lmnortsnt Bolnts of de- must aland tlwwni.t, a-nnt. In hv nnl lag their atock from the burnt area, to wbere grass hss been procured. The burnt country depth. rienlh.

HO to nnnn. Send rortlr. ll-nrv. Hi tMI -reebold Title. Huat be to close "SflGSON PIANO, maaalee metallic, frame, gjs.

sood bsle, and to formulat. a scheme Upon which lust how far hi. antlrloationa will be real lev. cash hmrr. uo comparatively useless until a good fsll of rain comes.

Rabbit, and fovea neel.h. new. nucn oanramk uordon Ulndera at. fm. Th.

1 -h tbt tiovernment would frame Ita policy. Tho Ised. As one who has alwavs offered A Estate AgeOi partli iilar. Halford ll--nrtVtr. fnVr Ktnr-atreet.

mm aflENCINE Renlach Piano. ob-conference mar feel somewhat bewildered Jection to the Institution of a system of ner- I and 114A Pitt-st. 28, great value; In great numbers, yet there sr. plenty left rrh.M in.i i rpniRTY Detached COTTAtiKS, returning flam, title, on. nrgt.n rsiiiiK 1 1 ietacnei a.

i si nr. Riisineaa or Pm Nominal ground 8le. Aacherberg fa.KSO, Iron frame! or. upon being asked to undertake the duties of twtual motion In connection with the sale RDR, tir-; Government In respect to the greatest )d-ettaWilred (aini-e STORE.

loiihle.fnwited IUtcfUM front, and smple dwelling accommodation, inre paddock and stahling. only one other in the town, to an energetic nun a long lease at a low lentst will be given. There haa been a large fortune made In this Store, and ihe neighbours are very anxious that another or should open, Gran-l opening tor the right man. Furllu-r particulars and Hmto. at HALL'S MERCANTILE AGENCY (T.

M. Hall anrl Emi it able-bull dings, George-Mrcet, Sydney. fpOH SALE, CHEAP. 801TH LISMOIIK SAWMILLS A uiid i Acre l'reelml. centre city, river and street trnntasp.

Powerful plant. AI site for Mill, t.rlnrv o. Kin. svnnl.l It ill an. alt branches of the northern una.

pref. Gfrtiilni-. G.P.rt. me iua as-ain wnen tne grass comes. Poisoning operatlona should b.

vigorously commenced over the burnt arols. THE CROPS. tjiano CASES. inc lined, loa for Sale, cheap, at tJAXS SALE, water fronUge COTTAGK; 1 o-nlon's. i rilmlers-st.

nr. Oxford. ruunia, kllclien, gaa, and city water. Apply rrr. lira.

Analiv Vlata Sans Rnucl L.I AMSOMh New Iron-frame I.ipi svtem, llr. Anally, MSU, Mns twuci. XI cgi. rare chance. 2 Annindale.

no (By a Sydney Reporter.) Mr. Thomas Edgar Fisher is a gentleman who haa lived at hia present address. No. 3a Tar ramatta-road, Camperdown, for tho past fifteen yeara. He conducta a saddlery business there, as he haa done at Oymple, Maryborough, Warwick, and other porta of Queensland, bile this story, aa Mr.

Fisher said to the reporter, refers to the place he la living In now, wbere, twelve months ago, he had aa experience thai is worth relating. "It Is a year ago since I treated myself with Clements Tonic for ailments tbat nothing else, in the world could shift," Mr. Fisher explained, "How long had you been suffering?" "Between four and five years I waa subject to much distress owing to tho fact that I waa the unlucky possessor of a torpid liver, and at the time I began to use Clements Tonic my wretchedness was added to by an attack of rheumatism, which started in one foot and worked up the leg, and then Into my hand, and afterwards worked Its way down my other aide. The pales were very acute, but that waa not all. I waa put to considerable loss through not being able to get along with my work properly, and.

more aggravating still, I was throwing my money away on medicines that were not having the desired effect. Instead oC making a little headway, I kept going further back, my appetite falling away completely, and my strength getting less and le.s each week. I got to feel that It waa too much trouble to do anything. That was because all my energy had gone, and I waa very heavily depressed In spirits, too. I did not feel Inclined to talk to anybody, had no Interest In sports or amusements, and, simply felt fit to He down and take thlnga as easily as possible.

My nerves were out of tone, for any excitement set them all of a abako. Often I became anxious and Irritable about nothing, and whatever aleep I got did not seem of any use to me, because I waa alwaya exhausted and low-spirited. When I sat down to a meal a look at the food was sometimes enough to turn me against It, hut If, on tho other hand, I did eat aome, I felt uncomfortable afterwards." "Through your digestive organs not doing their work?" "Exactly. And that la what I prize Clement Tonic for, as It acted so well on my digestive organs that before very long I began to feel better. My sight used to be bad, and my eyes felt swollen, but Clements Tonic soon Qxcd up those matters, besides removing from my a coating that used to be on it every morning.

I waa troubled with a dlsagrecablo flavour In the mouth, and In my chest thero waa a feeling aa If a huge weight had somehow got stuck there, which prevented tho breath from being drawn with ease. I tell you, I had a most uncomfortable time of It, to put the matter very mildly, and not the? It-ast ot my torments waa flatulence, with, which I waa troubled very much. One thins tbat caused me a fair amount of anxiety waa mv heart, aa It was taking fits of palpitation, but when Clements Tonle came on tho scene lb made light of all my symptoms." "How about the "It waa driven right away, and I have never since felt It. Clements Tonio also put my nerves In order, and gava me a better appetite than I had had for many a day, and I'm, sure there Is nothing In the world to equal the ssms remedy for curing headaches, and making one feej light-hearted and well Instead of being III and depressed. My digestion hat been splendid ever since Clements Tonic cured me, and It given me the greatest pleasure to recommend that reliable remedy to all who Buffer aa I did." "How shall your recommendation appear? "In the papers, or In any.

way you please to) publish It." STATUTORY DECLARATION. THOMAS EDOAR FISHER, of No. SO Pas- ramatta-road, Camperdown, In the State ot New- South Walea, Commonwealth of Austra Us, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I hsve carefully read the annexed document, consisting of three folios, and consecutively numbered from one to three, and that It eon-talna and la a true and faithful account of my Illness and cure by Clements Toole, and also contains my full permission to publish in any way my atatemenf.a-which I give volun- P-Fment; and make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue ot tho provisions of the Oatha Act, 16W EDUCATIONAL. surma. tloiof the day, but the delegates who repre-hereof, snd the borrowing ot fresh funds sern the districts seriously affected might with which to repurchase and to continue a readily undertake that If they saw ahead a course of polltlral prodigality.

I for one donot possibility that their work would be taken xpect to see any satisfactory result achieved. sertMisly. Certainly the Ideas of ths general even on on side this aspect of schema nut forward vesterdsv seemed Mm. the. mfl whether the class 10, 13; iron frame, aCIS.

Greatest THIS. Grand new det. 1 1" A SNAP JlasTElt required, AN A JWilsTA I 1 1 1 E.N II. M. Herald, Kii.u si.

rnpn. 47 lindors-ot lovely tiled marble T. Brick COTT, YERONO CREEKParmers are stripping the smsll natchea of 1 1 a CIID1B tM a VA al a. i I flee, avhleh iiwui ine BaJilASL 'inis tig, ron railing, tuckiwintea, out root, every a ac, spiu. nrn.

possible conv. 4.V. terms. fl; 10 Ifts. ITS nr.

railw. Mntrlr. Mill st' hfsvnl lft monthlv Iras. Ori- DA11LINO POINT. A DAHLISQ POINT what vacuo and general.

On the one hand oul wo. 1 amount to waku, ti rarramaiiaToan, iia.w, raae, goon no Inrtber uae. win mild Ex.hange Inierrnt. about 7l, for property aame! Ecb. I.

New Pupil en- BCfO, Operation. onnanoaie. wn rnp.i,. ne liietie. lino lainiai.e en.

Worir. m.i.i k. .1... ho foe Woe. Settlement" In In, vsiue.

or total as going concern, price lpn. any niuiia it iurn ji. at in a.m. vaiue. ror tniai aa soins conrem, pnee a.i-.n: anv i u.

iw; mat upon wnicn Closer St reanaMe deal conaldered. foat twl-e amount I "IN fc.vr ol Hie I annate Hat pliun, llahuain VAI.l clou train and tram. lOB "Ai Simon PIANO, not ion, in uie. 'hat might b. effected With Irriga- I the atrlct meaning of tha term 11 assnks na Apply C.o.

O. AOKINS. V. will ed at tb. Uoardin.

and "K- njKl L.SSSi'T''- u. tion. and California, mmal. .1. and t.lOeer 'T.

ami r- tll tlon. and ouoted Callfornlan namola. mt xectlvely and aucceaafullv be ef- wneaeii Th. STOCK MOVEMENTS. lintel nroaowater, Kiciinionn River.

otnooi on iifcsuAl, lilb Inat. for terma. annlv rM em-tianuany imm. n.tttn, i-tanoia preterreo; iijo u-nni i a- i a. Hiin.rl..r.

'l ISTKRiouiNlM. iSvkstmest I VV gnod Piano, ri.nol.. Herald. Klnf at. to a family, and ao forth.

On the other Mt" Property Just scqulred by the Govern- tHIL nt Ol II lor HAliK. IlV Tenocr. onlv nutut x-v n. el I msnf tnav lu taaii aw. well I01STRY hand, he and the Premier spoke ot conquering menJ5 mJ worth tbe price paid fori P.ia ior noovniivtvni i sm npen to January g.

last J-'' Veal kT.wm UIM. Stan" 0.1 1 rest Kingston Pilot, nlfntv of water, one mi If from end of railwav' ng School for Bo vs. hf EETINOS line, good heeo district, owner must leave district at tnls fr.m city. ThrUKli and aiH-v-ewful Drcnara- CHATSWOOD. Cnr.

Block, Anher-at, p. ft. HLACKHEATH. 6 16-acre orchard, ST. Brk.

llouees, rent Sna, 700. I "1 rtW YORK TOBACCO COMPANY, UUITEU. ajtce. Api-lv for all cAtim. Indiiidual atiention.

Scclal WINi IU OMTtK. CROV. and Svdney. -dvantagea for a few boarders. Refeirncca from lead-H for ILE, rows, turnover 7 urrkly.

price Comm. gentn. 0. II. CIIILDKHs.

B.8c. A f-(. Chanel st. Marrl.kvllle. A M'HOOL AMI IKiME fuR l)I HilV.

thdrought. which affect enormous area, that neVa, puwic want know taaSl! bm nd "eweZ'xwn. tTSSSTo a'K might be reached by the river waters. It'ls Mult? as it l. PZPJ" UZkSc.

surely necessary for those In power to make a'Ue? sSJT thTpur! SFtf SSSh up their mlnda between small Irrigation aet- 'or which It hss been purchased; and. Eti- aiiwy, j. tlements with 10 acres and intense culture aa ln. It will be Interesting to learn why the' 7no wet Oundell to Newport, A. C.

the Ideal and schemes which will enable tho Junda the Pyers are to be expended1 RlVB VwWei ST1 UonX' liirrAM nnop. reni mw or oner. Mi onv till I llnn tnr Sale. tf-Htfl to aa. I The ANNUAL flEKKRAI.

WI-'CTIVn a that K.M. GRAMMAR SK HOOL and TJViR SALE, flrst-class i. SHOl'FEE. IM Market to Park st. hrtders in this Company will be held at the registered RASDWICK.

Alllon.rd.-Brick HOI SE. only jJJ ibsAY tSCTTi min. tnm tram, fl good etc, eewerge, oi: RIDA, 27th JANLAR, 1906, at V.i 1 (Caiiiilcn Line). iKIXTINU Pjant. rd H.IFs'JnorIU ATUR1UM Oh' Annlv going concern.

THE Sot TH ,200 acres). acriflted hv mnrigairec. 24 horses. 'If ookl sir Si. r.

7 Head Master H. Oliver late I'rin. Rua. Col RCfflNESS FRED. W.

stXTTT. 133 Ird trtreet, Newtown. j- 'INDIVIDUAL TUITION, Typewriting, Shorthand, etc. 'POR SALE. Tm Distributing Rusfness, old eatah To receive the annual Balance-sheet snd the Directors' Renort to the Mat Decern her tflna.

ii. a i ir.y i iin.ii PRACl'ICAL T1UINING FOR HI SIN ESS LIFE. nnnrn, nrsi-rate ennnrctton, beat chance going rneriredc mtn ais 1 ansti FRED. F. WILLIAMS, Agent, Bandwlch.

208 R. BONDL Bcauliful Brick COTTAGE, draw-niT dining, a large bed rooma, kitchen, laundry, pan-try, all modern tiled verandah, marble facings, garden In front, large ground at back, land 7A lo. Title TotTen. Ideal h.ime. close to tram, Must be To Elect Auditors In lieu of Messrs.

Mont S' Wi I M. Htweraldi 18 horses. Moree to Normanton, J. Cum- Mew settled Irrigstlon State. tide, but are eiiribie for re-election, and of Amfrlca.

then there will be no water with ll' lftnd lected should he of a hlahlv fclMin fide uu.ver, Railo. Ilerahl, King-fttrcel. WENT.EL lias Resiimeii Tuition. Vtoli WCEirSTTlNX-MiigliTrfe X1 Harnway. Candidate prepared for all JL Si nitely and office, to LET at low rnavnv TntRP ftp iw rent, Sn HONI H.

Hrenw. centre sights. M.a.llng water supply, immed. posa'sn. Princlpsl.

111.1 xholanti',) jk productive nature, admitting ot amaii nare girrn notice oi canaiwure. AAitRABRL-iV38 wethers, fro, Bathunt to Edge- sold thia week. Sacrificed at "2A. A. Ia, STINSON, Property snd Estate Agent, 2M Waverley.

Bond! Junction. rol, To transact any other biminres which msy be ntn" cultlvstlon. and close association of brought forwrd, ia conformity with Articles' th pretty certain that tho rami lies for brought forward, la conformity with Articles families tar gnu Laid. sheen A' rniaed A Brick HoltjEM. all lei, n- Ur.

HniaH ll.a-lfl j.ik3-(.,i,a:jb trun and iiy wViTnoFORTE ili brgo rooms cover jjn. It. Pii Pjiinv's anrl cinnrw Bmii.rrl iiiii i i nual rental 75. TotTen title, near tram and ot Association. By order ot lb Board.

K. P. M. SREEDT, Secretary. train, worth wn, must sen, t.

u. hia.i, mo a.rr.v' nU JM AND DRAWING. prorperltyofthj i affectM will only be ihoula wllhln reason-1 as.ured by providing an adequate water aupply able dl.tance hy rsll of the great central A 1 N.i for carrying on stock-keeping snd agriculture.

or from a railroad tonJ.h.J u4.20. So fsr w. csnnot the products of intens. J.0"1 che.p water communication.

w. H. U.LwelTf 7oW i and It would probably be mncb better K004. TZ. 'i' Ltd 1...

rainfall. The Myall estat. la son lamba. Tarriaro to a- u.iLcr: i 500 miles i.i. 7u estat.

hing-tttrect. nest Mart eta, Newtown. n' 1 J. Mtwe II. snd M.

CREITTII hold elas-e dally at A tail ra iiaia -cnamneT, fOSMAS. New hk. Cott. for Sale, r. and barg.

nenr and lerrv. Glenco, Sierrcer-rd, Mosman. A 1H' aeMlilrr. Hail (nnwstM.1 tl.a. t.

ia-e iit 1'innn-T wirirniog. I0OA. firJ oflw- lnPct 7 Hotises. let at away il" "OlCOmbe; toBACCO JM VuPk LIMITED. ft nwi i-arrdiinatts.

I iaw a-" "tL.nail:il ul vbiw. from Hranev. and the nelo. ewe. ana 1IM e.ea anH ihhenl.

IHtiispKHOl smsll Grocery Bitnlm-wi. tni-st sell thr. Immediate Sale, 7 llottse-, let rLOSINO OF REQfitTER. 1 .7 gives on. good Idea aaUIS tat Vethera rT" snilsgtoa.

for raising cereals and crop for feeding live to Ita character. It la land. "suo, Tf. r. I at or 41.

price VW. Rohberds. Margaret-1. ntlv nfichanan rVmo i k.w.... yw "M'n fcubllshed st great cost In the Interests of TOR 8le, Laundry Bmlnia.

Apply Clesry'i; higher education of lirls. News Acnev. I thiernst. Wool! a lira. 1 Orchard snd foultrr Farm.

Reg. o. RobOfids, Margaret -itpe. atock. than to keep harping on th.

oloss set-1 somewhst the ssms type a. thst which wss! Anderadn; in 2 conditions which, applied to this bT tb" onrs of ths Old Berrlgsn Si mlved eep, nugittaf KlJv" country, sr. utterly misleading. i and Rlngwood In th. Albury district country, sr.

utterly misleading. I "T'U NOTTCE Is hereby given that the Transfer Books and Register of members of the ahovenamed Company will he CLOSED from th 10th to the 28th Inst, inclusive. By order of the Board. B. P.

V. BHEEDT, AlltliRESHiNOBCS. for cKeap, aptclont snd cool inorns, Mcellent staff, most I ITT1 Api'ly l.iverpii Daninglirt. dern eoiiipment. Sis acres of "VRTH SYD Nice Detached rtt-e, nt.

tMin. fern-, park, hsrh, views. P. dJI'tm, Hunter it. rpltAM Waiting-room, old estab.

Papers. Drinks. Bch. SCHOOL REOPENS FEBRI ARY 1st. IftXLS.

Brick Th. (Mitnl rosl- Piwpectm on snnliration. wecretry, Wucen-st. W'lahre. 'onlci'.

suit lady. Ion, rents Vm, 21 M. D. Mlddl'ton, 10 mllR I1ENTAL HOSPITAL OF SYDNEY. ICEP.

fruit. IVrinka, I Judging from th. msp. prepared and de. I the present MlnT.try scribed by Mr.

R. T. M'Ksy (secrstsry to lb, terms, msinty on ths ground 1 that land nJ RvTr? contnrenc.) yesterdsy, and th. d.t. furnished 10.

Ar "cr. tSu. ftS? JTT 'chShoTnT "3 'T, concerning th. various schemes In Victoria Bs.arlly b. of too poor a chariot.

honw, 'rjeirtrolt to KlTiihS "i'S iK-jej. 'rielatrolt tUIn Alrant. Ban! I JOHN MARDE.N, M.A., IXTV, Prlnclnst A The Fourth Annual MEET! NO ot Subscribers to tW7 Georae-st. I lav market. GOOD 80 cre, close good market, 20 down, bal.

10 fl per cent. si ford. 1I4A Pltt-st. im'ie secrets, this Hospital will be held st the odontologies! no. tlM andVeef lead.

Ill-heith JAjrMling, aame lulu, a yrs. B. H'mai cause of wa3Jliin'id ireaic ana rumis mr aie, very cheap. Ken ket nett. Victoria -avenue, near -lutlonj t'hntwmid.

T3YDB. -Orchard Blocks of LAND, to so sere, leiety'a Rooms, corner of Colleft-strtat, on MONDAY ti-om per arir. n. nwin, tiisoesYine. in SAT, ine Sara insi, si p.m.

TjVMi. -Splendid Bi-tt LAND, containing A acre. ILOUIS OILLAM. Becretary. wrMTIONKIIY and Psatrv.

To Drink. King st, Newtown. Ondncted hy the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. ivinirut-ieo nv the COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, Ki-e staiion. n.

nwin. isianeaviiie. IJiu BlUnl.Ii iiaiiie.u. Resumed on MONDAY. t3rd January.

Resu IdrOR Orchards, Poultry Farm. ll classes Pro pert in Central Oimherland apply R. C. Swan. Glsdesrille.

i EM ING State, bsrgsln. Mised grand stand. will be lulling. I rent. IS Bedford -si.

Newtown. No gta. i rTAllt MliTioi" iLf lXED BISINSS for HAtk. chesp. Illnes t-auaes 11.

O. Lf IXED HI SI NESS for SALE, chesp. illness t-ause and proposed for this Ststs, ths Public 1 tuJl, of to Work. Dep.rtm.nt hss not been letting th. fb.

Mln" t.J for' I5, 2 pas. grow under It. Appar-ntl, whll. hi Omrernment. hsv.

wlib question. Mysll property, tb) offleans hsv. been very much In esrne.t. In the Assembly on September inoi ,5 inil.reTT SvJ snd th. conference hss before It det.ll.

of tho Murrumbldgerl. tituwSui- 5t! tb, grestest snd A very strik- h' A AW'CA i. s-ui rvi vit.n)HiA. RIENITS. PrlHelnal fi KnTtrC la tierehv rlren thst tbe ORDINARY HALF- TAIRV and" poultry Farm.

Otcharda, etc. We have YEARLY GENERAL MF.ETINO of the ffearebolder of University Eisms or Owmerrial Education. yjj'-tlWce. lge. genuine.

80 King st. St. Peter. TESfATRANT, "old Iwrgatn, proprietor leaving countrv. no reaa.

offer ref llU Kln si KaiA a- niiver ieui, June. intM. ,177, XTZTIl Z.uA KZjcAm' 'rainy, hi Qeorge-atreet, Sydney, ea TOESDAT, the Mr Rirvm will he .7 the TeaVhen'VentMl Reels. S'Tt uT'T'S TX try. EmiltaMe-uiltdings.

Cvdnev. on TI ESDAY. WFT. PJ 17th to toth ltwtt. m.

to ftl TEPOSIT bal. ft Ooltage. in ac, Torrens, tn Interview parent and guardian of old and Penrith. Rrouthton. 11 Pltt-st.

SPLENDID Terrsra. well Itn- ing point in sir. at Kay's tour of ths wslls It," which would mean w'er. m.T.i. rV- "l.ed on which hung th.

map. acre. pVrf.w? Z'MnV? rMt 1 Seventeenth day of January, at aeon precisely, to EST AC RANT, best street Svdney, prog! 7 tn 10 rent. 200. 1 rs.

caah. Herald. C. VwaaoaallWa cetve is Kecrori or ine noara ot mrecior inr in half-rear esartina- list Detember. snd to trsnasct anv Incrsaaa In inlere.t evinced ss soon ss tha Urall land la of anything ilk.

Homebuwi, m. riiHHlvlNO Confectionery, etc. nicely fitted, stocked, i new ptipiK Pmspertus on anplicatfon. letters to. hiiakit, caoaciur of ih.i 1...

waiaimt. etnu i. cit, etc. ton. iienuine, Hmkt.

P.O. 1 II ston Jfsll. M.irsarei street, sfl 'f 7th l(rS. iawn. ciio, 4wn oumt minrrea ini may oe ovougni m-rortj cm mtwiiiig, TRtt tHY artd "Hued, nttinga ld, stork 8, rest I tlon.

or that would not have "fiK wbt- "Vr IflAlfPSiE, clow fcrirt, tajrmftwmliy with the rilrtnats of the Articles of 1-klicV VUftriUST Association. us. -mi ianv. is non st. niirrv iiina.

JMvV. (of, land 40 11V 10. Burks. rettirns tn Mi nertnafrent Htrniio.

Ilnhsrt JIARthV snd Confectionery. -The Palace ot Swetta, twenT. iVt. a.Z T. Csmpordown thl.

ALFRED LEVY, J.P. Clement, in any way. Hefuaa packag. that la By order of the Board. T.

A. DTBIM, BHnev. list December. 1004. Oners) Maiuser.

RED FERN. Shop, suit butcher, grocer, or bakery, ltf yard. g4W. MTsrthv, Ahereromhleit. 21 at Inst.

Students (Amateur and Professional) visiting m. mr wnie, cneap. actual wona carried out In Victoria and th. areas embraced were approached. Up to that map all waa In th.

future, but her. was somsthlng actually accomplished, and acoompllshsd In few of ths years during which N.w South Wslss hss been talking about Irrigation. Th. ml.takesof tb. souther, Stat, tra freely alluded to, y.t ern hvSP long the north- eh.n"ce.

A. cwUTl Wm mlteTee? fSi1.b.pUc.d Without cost to iPk, toW.rrin Downs, lB.j7 gtfe the taspayers? it Is Idle tor the Govern" W1, 10 t.KmTlJS ment to urge that there Is no land available to Muiwt. W. Csmerai.

Mnt9t mJL --trteta. for notl ttSWVM ts ne Iwand of Bacon rn N.S.W. Market as 1KNFRAL STORK, works, ill hlih. I TF you require tha BEST BACON, Insist oa your rantw a tor vmc mat (irrei, juewiay, wennesoay, ana -s- gnoa ittitton "rineappie ursnfl. upplyln urotTi simiBiTin, rinrmvvi waon.

Iroeet "PlneDtli fTTTiiroToivn Tnsu-wlarT. frrrm 10 to It noonj or Tiieadsy and Wedne- i KfSIl1 "i i7 day. from I to 4 p.m. Other than Intending Students IS fLAJUg lor ail Washing, well worth a trial. I win be charged a aomlasl Is lor trial and advice, BUILD your Home Turramurra.

Ind Sal Nest aVUrday. Pisa from Bardie and Oraita. ClUftrBISINO RmuIU by oalnf KITTY SoT ruaM 1st aU Washiag, well worth a trisi. Bdor.o thi. rsAisS b-.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2025)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.