I 7 "ljaj-f 1 1 1 1 i '( 1 I awsawsssssawa--sassaaa sssiii i i mi i a i.a... li 'RAILROADS 1 RAHJIOADS. LAE 5TEA1XEIIS. THANSPORTATION .1 IBM. Cieatral steesta.
1854, SEDUCTION OF FARE. -J-; nallroael IB. Samomer torawgeawesia. 1SS4. HewTrn: CcTr' 1 EZai.roadL aasl CUsiwiilaael Tine The atarmch C3LUU a.
1 lake Shore BailFoad. 3 FinziL zji none I all alone In my quiet tixo, i'jm. fiapt. HeWAasysria raa daring to VIA HEW YORK CENTRAL. and nKMiaininuf ns.
I VIM HUM' ATT vftin t- UNLFOBM GAUGE ESTABLISHED. SteaXners'be- to and inimueiiiste parts tearing Buffalo Wednesdays, aad Okisjaaaa rhsaraayal v-. iStz': pnxnra, (L21o afaia straet. ha Jaat recerred aad are eonataiitlr reeeiTlngtiold and SilTcr Lever Watches cXra-riooa atylea, from the best makerate Sao world. few priced and gUrer Watches fov sale by.
the do-sea at hnporicta' prioea- Mow opening a case of Bmcliah Lerera of the highest style of finish, from London makers, eased by oarmerraaand we are thoa prepared to sell hsm at prieea beyond competitkm. i-fii in." bilteb tea scraB, f-and otbOTtarrer Ware, new and eWigant paerna, SS OR, DAILY LINE OF rn mxywi.kvfi Comwictinv with me dereiand ami fth-h- mt 'tains and Indiana Bstlrsadti' i rot Tndtanaooiis. Terra Hanta. l.f..h. o.
iiuvav AUJ js, Barges on Oia lladaon AU var to eonswetiaa with bV -asLi mi0M CKNTRAli RAILROAD aJgVpt IJSE TRANRm itlBi iMKiwannoiaBi aiesrsst, uraat wesse sybstweaa Niagara FalaandlWoit, snCHIGAW CENTRAL RATLEOADl "i-; GREAT AMERICAN RAILROAD ROUTE, CaryirigtheU.S.Mailto -V, Toledo, Chicago, BL.Lcntit and JTets Orleeuu. BUFFALO "AND. STATE" ttNE BAILBOAD, On and after Mocdav. Mav 8th. Trains will leava RnAiIo fSitlrjris.aV-law ya Jfyt Railroad to Lotus and Zir? ana ew Xork aA tea -I.
uarw BUIwawkea asssl catawssn. Louis, auisoo, Sidney and Marion. AlsaTai BaUef ontoina with the fttad River and Lake Aria Railroad for L'rbana. Springildd, Dayton and CUwtianaU. uroana, BUFFALO AND hi Aft A RA FALLS TO NEW r0K ajd xBOdtqn.
DEPOT Oa EXCSLAirB 8TJCEET. Trains going East fill leafe as ftDoirs, s3m exeeptod: No. Bufinw and New York City Express Co a. M- fPPnf Bochesta-, (80 minutes for breakfast,) PsJnryra, Lyons, Cards, gjiacuaa. Oneida, Rome, Uttca7Li tUe Falls, BC iohonSoZ Srheneetady arriving ia Albany at Sd5 p.
MTasid Trov 86 P. M-, eoonerting with she Weatera Railroad to SJSLtl River Raflroad, and arrive in Meir XoorK itif. M. adV ssnLakaMicaiaaa; else to aay point an the Ms mmA. teatog.
thsbcrtes3ftariio route Toe. from the New York Central Railroad Depot, Exchange st-astouowsrJaBdaaaoepted: 18M. risi 1 1 freW To New YoraViieaaS 9 SL? o73 wa ali. f- OwleW ftlWt jrt stsw 1 tr, tost Dine MtottUlto tXt 'wi a THK 'TOtLOWTSQ1 1 RSf ota; iinsaaaliiid. THE MICHIGAN CJENTRAfir 1 ass Sd Express vVateiics ajid 'vwlT Jh LEB BKOTHER ABB NOW OPEN- -'V it auss un ioaM Chic A On.
ChicACin. Chic. A On. ItSaT Af xr. Weekly sgs sad ami i TaAnl Daict, (Bundays exoerAed.V Lanev.
..7 SO A. M. 110 45A.M. 00 P.M. -j ilng a splendid stock of Is acrnow' (red to be THE BEST nan.afAT rn TUB UNIONv, fcentire One, coaspriaiag saore taaa LBwS miles ofseadeeinawBiasUioB, for alaWail 60 P.
M. dine 11 OOP. M. erand Plated War, Pansy flood. rBmml OUM as porta, tea ving every TaeadayTbarsday and Baa.
af SVcleck jV, froVa th7fecLIeTdiei: York Central Depot oa Exchange street, as follows: R8T TRAIN Leaves at 70 A. Mautkinccseetloaa at Briton tains with the Mad attrer aad LsEriTnlfl. QUEEN OP TH LAKES, FOSMT 5lTT, rjaaD e-nvm arirrxE-u a a-- w- AndAayasnl, wlttea Hatieoi, enhlrig ttos. back, to the misty past? II dwells on (today whoa Hfawaa yaaaBsl" And the heart aeeaisd tight and free, As it throbbed foresees a tovely ene-wf-: 1 Too para, too par for awl A being of light and bntocenee, Wlioee frtaged eyes' lustrsos hue Looked out from tbe depths erf a laughing heart, All holy, bod and true Pea now, when the asure (Mee are bright, -And the Ojght-orba gllstea fair, Mjr longing eyes look up to (hem, Aiidlsecberspirfttbere Iseeber nowaato used fo sit, By the murmuring brooklets hare, Ai abe laughed at the tiny ware that leapt Into spray aa the circle o'er. Obi the flowers smile in tbe utBmerI breese, And the gay bird warble near "And tbe eeene to changed, and memories come, Iikcadlrgeo'erakrredone'iWer: tf for the hi goes, oad her joyous UagV l-' tehsahedtesitoaeedeep, Arid to stoepeth a to lead cf dreams Her vigils to angels keep And now, when the stars their pale light Md lake eassraMs In to sea, 1 I class mtosres end dream of bar-- Erie 10 80 2 60 1 0 A.
M. Cteveiand.S 10 PM dine. 46 w30 brkfat ...7 15 sapj 00 AM. tk -10 00 rr- Ji 13. M.
ar. 8 00PM, ar. Meamoeasaarpresf scops at A-ambroka, alataria, Brron, Chili, Rochester, Newark, Port Byron, Syracuse, (80 min- read Trains for the eheie Bsawd pieeas; arrives at Indiat. AIJ-WHIHaY, equipmea oornjon, sjmss! aaoj saya. ia Bswruat-led byany'" on this ar rn the esny directtiaT, HtfumwM -Tbadistanos avcedbw to lea ai napolis ia time to connect, tvttbomi (May, wish trains for Madtm, Iafeyettei, IdaisTille, Terrs Haute and SALoais.
JobnsviOe, Fooda, Schsisaeladyf reach AibanyaTT J. and Troy at 7:15, connecting with the rewplet I iiis of Clfiissis en the Hndsoa River, and the Hndana Mw Joarney arouod 7, iteota Bhere af Laka Erie, he arr rradea, and tbaavaassasauAwfawnnaieadssin kind af goods In tbasr hua aad ia-menta with the aumitectoriee jLf2S recTingnewand aJ- t'Br which we wonld tarite Pbiic. "mdsibare taaeleeted with great care, and we feel ndnt wiU eompara tarorabiy with any other west of Hew York. WsntewJMtBria(Ueta which ws wiU sea at prices that will mooes dealers to buy waaeh makers faralsbed: York nrisas. A saB ts raanaulfnllw aeMaltod a nm--rri Tnsin iistim stiirto 1 and mas oa Ihe same eoaaacttoas as above, aflowteg atme fas a eocnfoita-bte nitrbt's aleep at Cleveland and Indianapolis.
THaRD TRAIN Leaves st hL, and inakes the rouse via c- AeWrSwaCaV- NIllAiiaAAOM WATSON A. FOX A CO, DA VBJL YAN8, Av aOBB Va R1FFITH Oi wT200V JASON PARKER, Freight to aad fresa She WssSeaasSgned'sA tt--Buffalo Hawse wttl be fstwareaj. 'ttZ. ehesscsefoverabtesame. awsaiujiisa aad aa Pnossaoai Mark ap freight, -RATLROAn-' to fSwiflsaaw Ltoeaf staa? Daily, ram- rle, if N.
between Oarttandt sadDey sIiiibVICT. LllJf: Down trelsst to wlftsBre y. se sr At i18- i-ear-JO -AN BANTYOORD aTco- I THE a t.r WESTERN RAILWAY, V'' the esa dash aids 1 4 ay Baa hslwesa the East and Passmaei iv rrina She lass Btiaai also allows time for a night's sleep at xstpiiss' icsa, dram. ca. vm.
aroaa. Cleveland. 8 80 P. M. 80 P.
M. OS A. M. Columbus. 7 SO sup.
IS 00 I ML yj 1 OOP SUne. Cmchmatl.l 00 AM, 8 00 A.M.' 00 Becond flass and Accommodation Train leaves at 9 $0 r. M. --its st. The 80 A.
M. Train eanneeb at CssTBlssat at P. aC, with Train for Pittsburgh. rv First Class Fare to 58 Cinchlnan, via 00 vtocadnakv. 1 00 Stops at aU stations passes em the akt and new roads i Between Rochester and, ayracaaa.
arrives la Albany at lAai i No. 4, Emigrant and JUvs8teek.vJM:...........12 M. QUEEN OY THE Wert AVri ir-Hiffu'itMT rrrv theasxartesaadooBve-ri of a Brat ctess hotel on the Biagnincent Steam Palaces this 11m. wbJch rive tt prece- w. BB-nn BIAAW1UX 4- PATTEN.
One of the abovs solendid aeaamz n.i.-,. sab 104 Main -i arris saadatry astd Joek every sveainroa arrival of th t--. cwiia nr wots asavsar.txant van it f. n. Bible it's Jewelry Store- ssns irm the Weat.
-i The aew aad magnificen oa Pressure Btosaers is-e No. 5, Cleveland and Detroit ..5 p. 14 188 Main Street. 6 00 ft oropsas remoroae, uaiavia, itargea, aoebeater. (86 I THE ESTABLISHMENT IS STILL COX- tea tor tea,) thnyra, Lyons, Clyde.
Port Byron, Jordan, r. et new xoraveacaseanf at uiaveiaad as above. Passwigeabytoia lis caasvwAsir Baggage red froia the Cars to the Beat tree of charge, by handing tixheoksto the BaaxageAgaat, oa the cars or at tbe These boats leava Reed'sdbetow the ftMt of Commercial street. rr-sja lued with moreaaed and weekly additions to his Alas I doee sba dream of me I i 9 IU Chicago. ....1100 18 60 Hew Tarit XAtAke JLIrie Une.
Loojvsxa, Jane, J864, anally largo stock, consisting in part of tha richest aad lovimrtlUDtmocraL No. 6, Freight and iiyywmorUtiw to Rorhostti. r. a. rat farther rjartioulan see bills in hotels aad cars.
Buy Tickets by Railroad at Boaalo and Mate IAiwilUil. most sapenor WATUtua) ox his own nnpartati4D over 0. fared BoSalo. Also, Watches of other analitres aad prices; Jewelry, BUrer Wan, Plated Tea Betas, Gaston, Cake Baskets, Trays, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. t3T Particular and personal attention will be given to the repairing, and making new work to every kind and description of Watches.
''i i Je8 i No. tAnunnea ad Chksago 11 P. Mi op. OWe. ByrsxmserOaeida, miMM junuf leaves Detroit, Wednesday i and Saturdays.
PtTMOCTH Leaves Buffalo, Tuesdays an 1 rtdaya. -Leaves Detroit, Mandays and ssasdays. i HAT SXO WKIB, T. T. Hceeoa- -en, i laaveaEislale, Weeriesdand' KUraays.
1 Leaves Detroit, Tuesdsrs and rrf da. Wfflrua daily between Detroit aad Bala i be North Shore of Lake Erie, and through without! i Firs Class Low Prlauau a Boats ran daily T' eaDeWoK, afacidns8sSto.Martosdleto The beat route between the East and West -uasners on Lake Erie, or aU Railroad byNiarara Psl! TOLEDO, Capt Roan BC10TA. Cant Jambs road ticket office, N. Y. Central Depot, and Lake en board boaeref Asiit, Reed's whartw ...18 00 ...10 50 ...11 60 $00 460 75 5 00 oo 1T FoadayBcatBectady, tiesdB, N- WTXHOUtpLiHSAirjrMlNT AT ALBANY OR.TROY.
AIBON A.x VooL BaflaJal Bt Louis, via Chicago via ti Loulsrille, via a via Indianapolis Emigrant fare to CiocinnaB, vU Columbus. PaBomry 1 fticego 7 Alton i BtUmis, via 9. W. BACKUS. Cane.
Va.n smve ia atoany at "-g with Train en Hud' NOTTINGHAM, jsHKat. Oa law av. ail' Superintendent a and and and J. B. WHITE, General i new Jewelry score.
neyat, appiy to to tettewing Agaatet my 16 REYES it GAGEK HATE JUST FIT K. BBIIIIS, 'H ixa ncrjMosi kuvkr BiiLHotn. ited nps new store at No. Ml Main street, next ue, AbeB A Co, Hon. P.L.ebergaCei Wm7V 6 00 TBsnrtiMefehtiIanelmvbeeB -ITI lewfWLra ariH.
J.tlt. 1A au. nElaiU Ul Tickets can be procured at the Office of the New. Through Ticketscan be proeared of Darius OUrk, office 174 Broadway. eornerlSU 7trZtib Ptotito W-ter.
A-k-aaffiTo? Street, NewYork: Charleo Noble, MieUgaa Bail road Wharf, GeWluuuurjr, oBsV 19 State street, Boston; J. Mevius, CtenersJApnt Grel. wateaaA. Pea AOs. A.
Caeeasatwagh. i iraxan. J.APtoto, York Central Railroad, at the Depot. I Hefgage Checked through to PinrinaaU and Chicago. Passengers going to Detroit, by taking either af the Morning Trains, arrive at Cleveland In time for the Ereaing Lin of Boats to Detroit, arriving; at Detroit next morning.
sayStf 0. DENNIS, Suporluteudept. Don't stand leDitating upoa lint good reaction of yours put it through. i If exercise promoted col lect old bilktaor editor should among the longest lived people) on earth. Why i a bowJegged mail like a holiday down South? Because yon see the knee grows oat I (negroes -f, A thrashing machine tor fighting the "inoray" hu just been published in Michigan.
The inventor says it wul wollop A regiment of Spaniards, in' on hour and eight minutes. It is to be used hi the inrasioa of Cuba. Jlilton in his early writings, foreshadowed his great poem, then not matured fa his mind. He declared his intention, many years before he commenced his task, of writing some great poem for posterity, "winch the world could not willingly let die." rr wsru srmnange street, BuOalo. and at the offices of PeoPlew Lias Steamerm." M.
G. Foot A O.Martea.. iieam A Oo Barcelona," aria. door to I. D.
White's Furniture Warerooms, and received from the east an entirely new and splendid stock of i WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of an kinds. Their stock embraces all the newest anil most fashionable styles of Jewelry, rsttrer Ware and Plated Ware, of which their selection of Castors, Oake Baskets, is swsnTPassed. They have on hand and are constant-ly mannfaetaririg Silver Wsr of every description, war-ranted of pore coin, to which attention is respectfully call- A0Hac'L0CX and every description of Jewelry neatly and promptly repaired and warranted. The subscribers have been long connected with this kind of business, and are convinced they can give satisfaction. Railroad, New York Central, aad at all the Railroad offices lOyen A H.
H. iAd A Clm Hiv uiies vwmcctiua oass oi nuuaio. nry2S CHARLES E. NOBLE, Gen. Aat, Bnflxlo.
fsyHtf aiael aatea5T amwraaJsee Buffalo fc If. T. City, and If. and Erie nailroads. -t- 'IT- BUMMER ARRANGEMENT.
On and after May 17th, 1854, ears leave New York Tor Albany and Troy as follows Express Trains 6 A. 4 P. (through in four hours, connecting with Northern and Western trains. Mad Train 0 A.M. i Ttawugfc Way Trains-12 5 P.M.
i AceeaamedatioB Train 60 P.M. 1 Way Trains (stopping at all Stations) For Poughkeep-tie, at 7 A. P. for PeekskiU, 10 AJal8 M.J $0 U.t IbrTarrytowMl P. M.
leva 4tSrxz-xfnu'tt 4 45 Mall Train 6A.M. Tbroagh Way Trains 11 A. 5 SO P.M. Way4rato for Pougbkeepsie -146 P. M.i Trains leave Tro, 16 minutes earlier than Albany.
Sunday Way and Mail Trains-ieave Canal street, New-York, P. M.J Albany, 4 80 AM. and 8 P. mT Ashtabula. v.
Fajiraort, 1IM. -rwjpievg 1854. 1 saves swstroaa, arrtve in New York at ld M. WAV TRAINS, -Leaves Rochd 8 A. by oldraops i all stations i 8:80 AMby new road." 11:15 h- Syracuse 8 A.
Utica I A. at, steps at aH stations. BUFFALO FOR NIAGARA FALLS. IA. UMI0F.M,:: WTfFALO FOR LOCKPORT, Ooanecting at Rochester with lite through Trains -SJSNM-'5 A-, i SUNDAY TRAINS.
pMTratoExolaageetree Depot, at 5 P.M. On. Train from Uritnt AVpot to Niagara at 9 One Train from Niagara Falls for Albany, at 418 M. S1 Us P. ain from Racaester, over owloid? at 6 P.
M. iB BsJoai foUow, Sew York Express, fcSOA. Way Express, 4:45 P. M.s Lightning Express, 80 1. M.
Albany Express, 0:46 P. it; Mail i-l N-W York nd AJtE' and aU way ru.ermour AOo dilisi D-QHe Beeda Ou. H. D.Wa Vi Toronto Canasla. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.
1854. The lbDoarme' finel 1 15. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1 Toteda. mi MBnnblr) Mirwaakse asat Tbe patronage 01 an at respectntlly solicited.
and to- p5tfj Jons C. OAsm, Lswis K. KJrns. J. F.
7 Jetroit, The Steamer PEERLESS Ismt Tiat. i Blew Jewelry Store. 7 Thos. p. William w.
THE gDBSCBIBEE HAS JUST OPEN. E.S. AH.K.iakina st tTflfr Mam strort ntnr sail rkmnl sasin liimul INSURANCE. at, u. Neely A How.
Sd Run saJMUND FRENCH, Btinertotendeni. i mystf May 17, 18 -4. -i'1-' I TIME TABLE. 1t.Rtt- Bun. 70 A.
M. fcOO A. M.i N. Fails, 8K 1M9.U. Lewiston.
9:00 a im 180 P. of JUiW leutx or au aescripuons, to which, tbe attention at the pobUe is respectfully invited. Tbe entire stock is new, and embraces tbe latest styles to be found in the eastern market. His store has been newly and tastefully fitted np wjth special reference to the trade. His stock will be found nor 9 .1 wisnoRELAND.
MaLWAUKEeT ForFrsilMagsAaafam fvL BTERNBERO koL. -i 00 asrsBsao-. -v 1 nnt street, a 10 -40 m- LAKE STEAMERS. Arrive Toronto, 100 Noon' 79 70 Parties tearing Buffalo at 0 and It Rn i v. Warren Jervis Yelvertoo A Feuews.
Lewis L. Banire to consist in part 01 Si GOLD-AND HLY1B, WatCBEB, of every variety and price. 1 ITIlcitiKan saUiern EL Jtt Line, Tr uh ana reacn Toronto at 70 o' eirsirawi, Waw tweet a Front 3 os lock p.m. J. B.
ImuL JeStf AJLAJW CANFfELD A OO. WELLS D. WALRRnihv tsr" Particular attention paid to tbe transportation of Toronto and Niagara Stoamer. CLOCKS of various patterns, from $1 upwards, always on hand. 1.
Wa. Patridge A Son sariTtf Williams, Bruce A i Bnitalo ana Chicago." -t a. R.n.nln.ii ABE YOU INSURED! Iatfe, Marine and Canal InauraMee. HOWAKD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OfflieCityofNewTork.
Ossh Capital .1120,000 paid in KCCELSIOR FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Of tbe City of New York. Oaih Capital. paid in. AmAimo nsi and marine insueance Of PrerMeDoe, B. Caah Capital and BarphuoTer EOQEH WILLIAMS INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Providence.
B. I. Cash Capital and Sorplui orer $180,000, BROOKLYN FTRK INSURANCE COMPANY, OfKewTerkandBrooUra. I Ha JKWELRY of the richest as weB of the plainest styles and atTaadlS Wartrstto, Orassd :4 m. wv KPOCKTON, Assistant Bupt.
auo wan street. KsUate Whits A mylltf CAXUtTUfG Tim GREAT WEsTEJUl V. 8, 4 TUELOVGtn MAXLh. i ONLY 84 HOURS TO CHICAGO Great Weatera TJ. 8.
BAall xtontel Per Chicago and St. Louis, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, i and all Ports on Lake Michigan. Dtiver ana riateo goooa 01 an amas, constantly on nana or made to order. Repairing of Wstehes, Clocks, or Jewelry done In a thorough, prompt and neat manner. Jc28tf -r I M.
HA1QHT, 280 Main si Oreat Western liailwaw. 18S4. The new and splendid Upper Cabin. Low Pres- WESTERN TBiSarSioN: ww zwttn Juu JUATAn, I'TSrnnrsI I IS MlrifT will mn dw1 7. 1 uuicagoauring the 1854, as follows Diamonds, A APPLETOJTS, LATE PITKHTS.
210 Through to Monroe in 14 Aowrs without landing I Flrstt3lass Fare toChicairo.fS: toHuwaukas. LXAVB9 CHIOASO, uuvss stttalo, Wednesday. 28 FARE RaUGED AND SPEED INCREASED. Through to (MeagoMXi IhS TT JTmUOl PASSENGER DAILY, i Oath S. Main street.
We have oat received an invoice of cusooss mstrniD. tan, Kenosha and Racine, $9: meals and itate room extra. Wednesday JulyB Wednesday If Wednesday Aur. 9 Wednesday 12 Wednesday. 26 Propellers will ma regur.V betweea Buffalo, erand Havea and MteMsa.
City.tousinr at mtermediate IaAasrte JreS and MfcMirai tity, during tbe seasonT POCAHw TROY, Cava l.J. PsawrTTT JetojBuaa, tenth day, except Smvtecom- For fraightarBaaaa-. ayplyto WELLS 1. WALBRTDGR, bbooiw laass rare au ine snore ports, BO. wit MONTEATH, rrossrietor, Buffalo.
MOHAWK VALLEY INSURANCE COMPANY. Of tbe State of He York. No night travel by railroad through Michigan 1 Diamonds, which we are prepared to set to-order In any style to suit our easterners. We have alscS, Just received Diamond and Opal Pins, Ear Kings and BingsaJl of which we shall sell at the lowest prices at which such goods can any where be bought. myoltf is nours saved, ana uneauaDed for comfnrt i Broad street NIAGARA FALLS TO DETROIT.
111, nsers burins their Tickets east of RnAVin nl i Wednesday Aug. 16 Wednesday 80 Wednesday 18 Wednesday 87 11 Oct. 25 Hskst Gaarssxx, M. H. djaiisa, Wm.
Mowtuath, W. H. Arawweara, srosuss, CMw xork Capital weB poured. The aadenigned, aa Agents for the abore reliable and prepared to eflnct lnrarance oa the Utw of indiTidoala, for a limited period or otherwise, and Wednesday. Au 9 Wedaesday 6 Wednesday 20 Wednesday Oct 4 18 Wednesday.
1 value their own comfort and tune, should he suretonro- eure Tiektsbv this route. i 100 Pier, Albany. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES THROUGH MAIL. The Cheapest, Safest and Quickest Route for DETROIT, CHICAGO, BT. LOUIS, GALENA, AND ALL I The following magnificent and unequalled Steamers form 1854.
Wide Oars, Shortest, Cheapest, and most Comfortable Route to New York, the distance being 20 miles less than the Shortest Line via. Albany. This is the only Route which passengers laaving BuQa-lo later than A.M. can reach New York tbe same day. i I FOUR DAJXY TRAINS.
Trains leave Buffalo as follows MAIL TRAIN Leaves Buffalo at 6 a. stopping at all stations west of Homellsville. Passengers by this Train can stop at' Portage one hour and twenty minutes for Breakfast, and have a view of the Balls, High Bridge and Romantic Scenery at that yiace, and resume their Journey on Day Express at 10 JO A. and arrive in New, York at 10.64 p. same day.
DAY EXPRKflrV Leaves Buffalo at 8 80 a. sl, through without change of cars or baggage, and arrives in New York at 10.54 r. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Duffalo at 10 JO A. stopping at aU Stations. i Passengers by this Train can stop at Portage and have 4 hours to View the High Bridge, Romantic Scenery and 8 successive Palls In the Genesee, of 65, 70 and 110 feet, with banks and precipices from 200 to 400 feet in height, and can take Night Express from there at 7.87 p.
at, and arrive in New York at 4.45 next morning. w. NIGHT EXPRESS -Leaves Buffalo at 5 p. a arriving in New York next morning at 9.46. i Only one train each way on Sundays Night Express leaves Buffalo at 5r.
a. arrives in New York at 9.45 next morning. I -j. First Class Fare to ....87 50 via Newburgh and Steamer Francis 450 Second Class Fare from Buffalo to New 4 60 i Or as low as By any other route. First Class Fare to Boston via.
New York 810 00 1 700 Second Class passengers can go on Accommodation Train or in 2d class car on Night Express. Baggage cheeked through to New York no charge made for handling it by this Line. i Pleasure seekers, desirous of visiting Portage Fans and the High Bridge, can leave Buffalo by the Day Express at 8 80 A. and returning, leave Portage on the Mail Train at 4 44, and arrive in Buffalo at 7 48F.M. Excursion Tickets to Portage and $2 00 Passengers at Buffalo should procure tickets to New York and Boston, and Baggage Checks to New York, at tbe Company's Depot on Exchange street, between Michigan and Chicago streets, about 0 rods east of State Line Depot, or at the Office under the Mansion House, Buffalo.
(Tickets by this route to New York, can be purchased at all the principal Railroads and Steamboat Offices at the West. 1 i i This Route affords superior advantages for the shipment Of Freights 1-j For information as to the rates of freight, apply to 8. Dbcllabd, Freight Agent, at the new Freight House, corner Ohio street and Ohio Basin, Buffalo, and W. 0. Tallmados, Agent, tNo.
220 Broadway, corner Barclay street, New York. I 1 Buffalo, May 20, 1854. je29tf epfiT Fe of Wssritortoo street iteiSo rreaneanav fwumew on awwumg noaaee, nonaenoia mrniMm all Undo of bolldlnge merahandiae, veaaela in port, an Haurasa, aad TwiecW UaT. NewYork Mark packages Clinton Line, and ship by Al-JfSIi2 "vawPiirfi, Rw York 8Ute Canals. NOTICE TO OONTBACTORS IN POBSTJ-anee of a resolution of the Contracting Board, notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned for the construction and completion of the work on the several Canals Of this State, described In the iu HUH WBHT.
i Trains leave and arrive as follows VIO MIHWWS AJUUSAV SUM 0100X00 i j. EMPIRE STATE, J. WHaoa, Com leaves Buffalo Mondays and Thursdays. BOUTIUCaUr MxCIUCLAJr. For freight or passage, apply board or to B.
DRULLARD, Buffalo. P8tf A. T. SPENCER, Chicago! other property, againctloa by ore. Ahw, upon holla and cargoeanpea the lakes, upon as favorable terms as other 184.
UUVB8, 1st 2d Boston-Mark packages Clinton Une, and aUn Wet- Railroad for Ailiarry? 5:001 .7351 9:00 AM SEASON ARHAHTOgarJENT. fooa ury uompamee, at their oatoe oorner of Loyd and rime atreeta, Buffalo. J. d. Beau, I BUELX A MOORE.
A D. PsBKnuv, Com, leaves Buffalo Tuesdays and Fridays. 1 BORTHERS INDIAJfA, I. T. Phsatt, Oosu, leaves Bufialo Wednesdays and Bator I following tabular statement at the timel and places therein mentioned: 1 L.M.Tibballs........
Pa. WM. UOORB. N. B.
Fortheaeeommodatlon of those lirlnr nn town. Russell A Otscb, aa rrrcr. iM.HnbbvTA.t Suspension Hamilton, Detroit, arrives. Detroit, leaves Michigan Chicago, arrive i -j- i One of the above SDlendid eaaamaiw win a Despatcxt JLlne. vuicuman a.
B. do 11:80 12:85 Fa 8:40 7:85 6:00 am we hare established a branch office at the corner of Bwan and Main atreeta, where application for Inanranca will be 10-0 12:10 ru A at 7:20 9:00 6:80 8:80 THE ABOVE ONE WILL BE OPPOSED of tits following Daw First Class Propellsrs, iiii J5nf Wharf and Ship Canal) ro-Pell ore BRUNSWICK, MOUNT VERNON, PORTSiM NEW ENGLAND, and CATARACT. I For freight or passage apply to tofollowfcig Agente: buw Aio. MAXWELL A PATTEN. MANN, VAIL A OO, KILES A WHEELER.
WW innru a jrenv, mananeld B- 0 A. Cbeeaehranirh 1 a 1. U. Steamer GLOBE. CaDt.
Amos Pbatt dueky, wnannau a. K. Ban run regularly during the season, between Buffalo and Ch aBeaaea to ny mrd-ly fOBJf W. MURPHY Insiurance. sago, leaving on us louowingdays: B.
R. Line Dock at 9 o'clock r. every day, (except Sun days,) and run direcUy through to Monroe without landing; in 14 hours, where the Lightning Express Train will be in waiting to take passengers direct to Chicago in 8 hours; arriving next evening after leaving Buffs hi i oonncctlus at Chicago frith a fine line of Law Pressure Steamboats to all places north of Chicago to Green Bay; also with Chicago na tcman, alias 4 Co. H. H.
Dodd A Co. A nJ.tVl LBAVBB SCTVAIjO. uvaaesTVAao, Ure, Bin and Marine. JASAN PARR 1.12 n. via aiTwmrt.rT Thursday 22 Monday July.
CHAM PLAIN CANAL. 1 Proposals when and where received At the Canal Commissioner's Office hi the city of Albany until the 6th day of July. 1864, at 10 o'clock A. M. Amount of -r Description of penalty in When to be the work.
bond. completed. Combined Locks 1, 185S 1 Single 6,000... 1 Koad Bridjre, located st Fort Ann 600... July 1, 18S6.
ENLARGEMENT OP THE ERIE CANAL EASTERN DIVISION. Proposals when and where received At Engineer's office the city of Utica until the 8th day of July, 1854. at 10 o'clock A.1. Section No. 18.
1, 185S 18 JOHN M. eRCTFiTO A CO, POOTE A OO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP NEW YORK CITY, July. 24 gowhrWgin KeUoffw A Atrnntf neooygan, wis.
Bate of Fart, Fir Clam: Fare to Fare to La Pare to Fare to La Fare to Galena. Fare to St. Louis W. A. FOX A OO- uapnai aouuou.
14 6 00 12 00-. 11 Oo 14 00 16 50 19 00. ASHLKY, CUTLER A JONES. Thursday. A.
R. COBB A CO, 1 rl, Monday. Monday. Aug. 8 24 14 6 Oct 26 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.
OP NEW YORK CITY, 25 sow Asiana Bsiiroad.runmng directly to the Mississippi river: also, with Chicago and Mississippi railroad running to Alton and EL Louis, making the oheapoet and most direct route to Bt. Louis and the Southwest. Thomas Hala, n. Having largely Increased my faUiu sir toi2 at additionsof afarge numher of newftSulfclVutrgwaS 16 J- W. BPRA6UE, STEVENS A RYAN.
Only One Nov: Change af Can between Niagara Thursday. I 16 Passengers can have their Eunn takm ai NEW AMSTERDAM INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW falls and Cbleasro. Nov. 27 Monday The GLOBE is 1228 tons burthen, is fitted nn'w p. Free, by delivering their Checks to the Baggage Agent of lusAuri.
vapitai vmjm. SAXBOsrv, omrt. t. A. PINTO, i.
get vuuai an, 1856 BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO DETROIT AND CHICAGO. Connecting at Detroit with' Miehiui rvnirni ia BPBINQFIELD PIKE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO- OP Wishing! towns in wv, wtucr uu wo oars or at the liepot on tbe arrival of Trains. The Boats of this tine will connect at Monroe with a line of Steamers to Toledo, (25 miles from WM. MON1EATW MABOAUHUSKTTS. Capital $200,000.
aplOtf 0akIai5J Ottawa Railroads; also, with Ward's Line of Coburn -Square, Buffalo. taking the Railway route; also, those having families and luggage to go around the Lake, at much teas expense than WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE CO. OP PITTS- I7BJION TPAULNSPORTATlOarpoaiJPANT." wiem cwunecung wnn tae racket Boats for Lafayette, and other points on the Wabash and Erie CanaL The Michigan Southern Railroad is built in the most sub 1865 1866 16 16 IT 18 19..... 125...,. 126 127.....
128 120 6,000. 7,600.. 4,000.. 6,000.. 1,600..
T.000..". 6,000.. 6,000. T.000.. ovreuuiuotduuersior nauiiBte, aiarie; at Michigan City y'W'ew Albany and Salem R.
R. to Lafayette and Louisville, and at Chicago with all the thoroughfares, i West, North, South. A Local Train for the accommodation of Way Passengers 1S54. stantia maimer, and laid with a heavy Trail, but a very rmui. capital KNICKERBOCKER INSURANCE OP NEW YORK.
Capital $116,000. Ullll UM. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to MAXWELL A PATTEN. Buffalo. apl7tf A.
Imfialo, April 19, 1864. aplesa BstxTAlo, FJjlwasUaea aadLCMJeasra, 1W4. i Free Xraele sUne. 1854. j' rNG MONOPOLY.
NO TRANSllTPirBKW A AlSlASrw A aauvv Landing in New York 00 tb. Norte Brvsr stow, foot of Deyst 7 mm oubcukiui jinuge as akw jr. si. THROUGH TICKETS Michigan Central Railroad. MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.
OP NEW YORK ww ww w. bw mi wro wovie nne to umcago. It runs through the best part of Michigan, passing along the beautiful valley of the St. Joseph's River, through the splendid Prairies of Northern Indiana, which are so much admired by travelers. pry Fawengers coming from the east should in no case check their Baggage Westof Buffalo; tt is liable to get mislaid or lost, and here thev set it checked Illinois River aa 1854.
can be obtained at the office of the New York Central Rail H. H. WOLCOTT A OO Ma AVTT AS 1 .87 Dey street New York: 184.. 600. aaao niuvwuig htm ciub ropej- capital $100,000 deposited with the Comptroller, loou.
noutn or umaaaB E. G.BrADLDuo, A. H. Tract, G.B.Rich, DAVIS, SUTTON A OO. A.
G. Wharf, rJiffaJo, row, on sne street, ana at toe GREAT WBSTEB2T RAILWAY AOSJSTCY. m. "sad jvth a kbu-wmIaT iiim fin ontvv. CHANGE OF TIME.
DAILY PACKET LIKE NO. 17 EXCHANGE STREET, two doors from" Washington mnvn Knm UAvn, DsabRiohmosd, K.H. Hbtwood, er places if they wish. This caution, as well as that about buying their Tickets east, travelers will find it much to for tae trauapertatioa of Freight aad Psssi 111ns to and from Buffalo aad Qucagoand all intermediate Poratiattne-uiateiv ea toeBeAUMofnavlMtton unvxm ins nansiuA auvajs, liuuaio. speedy transmission of Freight, this Route EDWARD R1HCWHT1CR Amn meir uiverca urauuere to strictly.
NO. 6 Spauldlhg's Exchange, first floor, on the Terrace, Sight Traveling by Oar avoided between CHICAGO AND BT. LOUIS. The splendid Passenger Steamers. GARDEN CITY, Pxtca, Commander.
NEW LUCY, Davmntr, CATARACT, BLAXSX.T, MESSENGER. No. 2. Atanantue are oeing circulated throughout the east ASMISt'. L.
R. Ajbany. ADQiarrca Colsos Tbe above Company will ran 69 of tbe largest first class Bo5.aS; eeVweea Buffalo and New York wrthoat wsBshlpssent, and be fully prepared to transport Meraaaodise, Rairaad Iron, rve aiidoft-er property, to saw niaee of daaslBaAiaa k. wi Cj fT saenamate, aawsU ae to traveling pobhc, will find It largely to their interest to ceil est ttos shipping eiscwaere, as their prices wfll be VAACCaj lAAlfttsBAlCtt UsrClAlOeSIa J. MOVIUS, General Agent Great Western RaQway.
Jel2 O. J. BRYDGES. Managins Director. isunalo.
Fire nad Marina Immraiape. -rr ii. mail Route. Waste Weiss on Sections 127 and 184 1,600. 1, 1885 Bridge Abutments on Sections Nos.
15 JS 1, 1858 Bridge Abutments on Sections Nos. i 18 and 19 1,200.1 Bridge Abutments on Sections Nos. 125, 126, 127 and 128 1,200.. Bridge abutments on Sections Nos. 129 180, 184 and at New London 1,400.
Culverts on Sections Nos. 16 and 17.. 700.. i 129, 180 and 184. 1,260,.
"i BLACK RIVER CANAL. Proposals when and where received At Engineer's Office at Lyon's Fans until the 12th day of July, 1854, at 10 o'clock A. M. Section No. 80....
$2,000.. July 1, 1855 81 6,000.. LaavtorthairdoeksiasaanAar Ub.hi. SJfiUUKED BT U. S.
STOCK, CASH AND Bonds and Mortsaces. The Mutual rrtinn Have commenced their daflv trfna luttwAkn nt Lakes, with immediate despateh. 1854. -1854 ny ofBnflalo, eoattone to Insure buildings and property of Uo" Bad sbipbT canal boats, foot Dey street, New York. "Fooasj, agamai rasa or oamage oy nre, and also St Louis, in connection with the Rock Island and Aurora Railroads, -leaving LasaOe every day on tbe arrival of the cars from Chicago at 2 o'clock P.M., and arrive In St Louis early next evening at 6 o'clock, and arrive at Lasallethe OPEN TO CHICAGO AND ROOK ISLAND RAILROAD THE MISSISSIPPI.
StSLH SAGINAW, MINNESOTA, New Propeller, Forfrsirbt or HSBpsiii it bavins' snHrlw iMMmiwi. Timem, uargoes, rreignts, ac at the wnicnare cawuwwa to aeoeive the public, setting forth that their route is shorter, quicker, etc, etc. In reply to these kind of handbills, I assert without the fear of contradiction, that the nroto by this Line of Boats to Monroe, thence by Railroad to Chicago, Is 60 miles shorter than any other route where steamboats form part of such route. Passengers who prefer to go by Railroad aU the way to much time and very many inconveniences and perplexities by taking the Lake Shore Railroad, which is an old established road, one of the best in the country, where passengers may rely upoa speed, and comfort. J.
maybe purchased at an the principal Raflroad Offices East of Buffalo, and also of the Agents of this Line, and at the Office, foot of Commercial street, Buffalo. nry24 H. M. KINNE, Gen. Agent, Buffalo.
THREE TRAINS A DAT. On ana after Monday next, May 8th, Express Passenger Trains will be run as follows TRAINS GOING WEST. 1st EXPRESS leaves Detroit at 9 o'clock a. Sundays excepted, i This brain connects from tbe East with the night Express over the Great Western (Canada) Railroad, and with the Boats from the south side of Lake Erie, and stops at all the regular and signal stations on the line, and arrives in Chicago in season for conveyances going west and south.) 1. 2d EXPRESS leaves Detroit at 6 o'clock r.
Saturdays excepted. rThls train connects from the east with the North Shore Line Steamers, from Bufialo, and stops at all regular stations on the line, excepting Buchanan, Porter Gibson's and Calumet, and all signal stations east of Kala-masoo to feoce, but not to take passengers. It win not stop to take or leave passengers at signal stations West of Kalamazoo. 8d EXPRESS leaves Detroit at 0 o'clock r. Sundays ex -ep ted.
This train connects from the east with Day of the Great Western -(Canada) Railroad, and gets through in time to connect with the steamers to all porta on Lake Michigan and the morning trains of the various A.T. Spencer vwesi rates oi iBsuranoe. Tbe whole net orofits of this eomnanw MiriAmA Three trains daily, toRock Island, Sundays DL secona morning, innme ior the express trains going east Passengers purchasing Railroad Tickets for 8t Louis, over the Michiran Southern. Minhlnn (Vnir.1 Rnir LEAVING CHICAGO, D. O.
Dickinson Durkee, TruesdeB A Co. DuttonA T.P.WIBami..,. J.F.Kirkland........ John Day ABrotor.V. Island Railroads, can dispose of them en board of either of uiruugu ireigui, wua xa class cars, at 6 80 A.
a Arriving at Rock Island at. .9 00 p.m. ally amongst the parties eflectinginauranoe with rt, the com-pany having a nataamed capital well secured of over No part of the profits go towards the payment of the Interest boob any guarantee capital, as Is the ease with other Mutual Insurance Oompaiues in this eit, thereby offering to the Insured much greater inducements than any Afth. Unhi.1 fM.t.M 1 UKTDoau in uie une, ll they should prefer going py the river -jj AJllijrr, CimiB A JOIIES, Or to the Mlia sen Beard, apOtf iOCJtsno. 4,000.
102 200. 108, 104 and 105.... 800. 106 and 107 ,.600. nniHi wiien mey arrive at Aasane.
apzo-na xd Mall train at, 9 80 A. u. Arriving .6 00 r. M. 8d Night Express, (every evening,) 11 00 p.
m. v. it. Grand Haven, Miaa. 47bleafpa suad BsuUt Bte.
Marie Idne. Arrivuig yo 4. M. rx. J.
A. Armstrong. O. Newberry Oppoitlon! Opposition Bridges on Section No. 81 800.
1, 1855 Raising Bridges across- Black and Moose Rivers. 800. 1, 1864. eijtDgt---'' l54. tliS BwiltsFATte sLine of Tow lloata.
"OF TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS BT Ah' DING iwhmv wujywj pan no. The Company baa been in operation about seven years and has declared dividends to tbe parties Insuring with It amounts to an average of (42) forty-two per cent, each next morning. TWO TRAIN; IS daily for La'SaBo and Peru, Sundays ex. FARE KBpiJCiEpi Smith A A. Cbeacbrourh cented.
ENLARGEMENT "OF ERIE CANAL MIDDLE DIVISION. The Steamer BALTIC, Oapt. Jambs M. Am- rroposais wfien and where received At 4he Engineer's ..7 00 a.m. 1 au, wiu run ate ensuing season between Chicago and esad of Thtrteaa first class larrea, tosfVy pow-aiWtsrofters snuwrint facsjtiee tor trenipnr-the Hudson river.
Onaorsscaabanaa wfll teawa erfsd L. F. Pratt. S.S. Jewett.
J. A. Pinto Husety A Sinclair CM. Reed. ..8 OOP.
M. .8 80 v. M. GREAT THROUGH RO TJTJS TO Office in the cityof Syracusv, until the 15th day of July, at 1 onl 01 utucsgo anis train will stop at the folio o'clock A. M.
Chelsea, Jack-Section No. 146 1.1866 I "n' Galesburgh, Kalama- P. H. Tows H. aLKinne.
1st Way Freight, with 2d class cars, at Arrivl at Peru at. 2d Accommodation, at. i Arriving at Peru TRAINS ARRIVE AT fiTTfr Afih tali on on oauit w. mane, as rouows Leaves Chicago every Monday. Leaves Sauit Ste.
Marie everv Thursdav. ..8 00P.M. Bufus C. Palmer, Albany dairy for New York tending at tbe foot of Dey street od to North River, and at to foot of Bread street ea to 147 ELI48, PtTRtE sfc CClT -j 1 owuwiuur, AiSAte and Oalnmet. Tbe GARDEN CITY runs in connection wtth ttie Baltic, leaving Sault Ste.
Maris every Monday, and Chicago every Jas. 0. Evans, J. L. Reynolds, G.T.Williams, S.J.HoUey, 8.
Lathrop, D. N. Barney, A. A. Eustaphleve, Dean Richmond, 8.
H. Fish. Geo. 8. Hasard, Gains a Rich, CHHcheock, John Pleeharty, Sidney Shenard.
STORAGE, FORWARWNO AND COMMISSION arsm. Bast River, aeoorAing to foe aKahxy aad Of VMBb 8 00 A. M. TRAINS GOING EAST. 1st Night Express from Rock Island, at.
2d Accommodation Pern, at Cincinnati, Louisville, St. aLouis AM NEW OHXKAN8. BT ZHS WAT Of BUFFALO AND CLEVELAND. Connecting at Sandusky with the Mad River and laki 6,400.. 6,100..
4,600.. 15.800.. 9,600.. 148.. 148..
150... 151.i .11 80 a. u. i.u. Aunoerrf, E.
G. Spanlding, Cyrus Clark, D. N. Tuttla, Jason Parker. 5 00 P.
Auurouar For reight or passage, enquire on board, or of mrttf W. P. SWIFT A Agents. Treirht tor the West intended to go by Canal is rs-cerveerat to feet of Bread street Pier. No.
A Rand 0.. CHANIH. si: paoraiBToas. A. D.
EU lle.Ssd7fJhteBeJldmss, 1st EXPRESS leaves Chicago at 6 o'clock A. Sundays excepted. This train connects at Detroit with the evening Express of Great Western Railway, and steamem tn 8d Mail Rock bland, at 4th Way Freight Peru, 6th Through Freight" Rock Island, at. Aqueduct atChittenango 6 15 p. M.
8 40 p. M. 4,400.. wmaaleswardsAsyrassiuatatolAaes oa tosrteOaoal, with dispatca. Freight for to New York Central Raiiraad ceneca tuver ana rjecnon inna sou jwavg, sua nan st aw tounsin.
ni.M. Erie, and Hamilton and Dayten Railroad to Cincinnati, XT? tf tW JforfcAlUw mm Mw (wfe sM Canada 'frmtek' 202 connected 1. 1SBS: Calumes, Lake, MtehlaM Oitjr. Sam OoaiSse. Nil.
B. ax is wanrijaiui. The Steamer PLOUGH BOY. S. JAMES BELL, No.
ilSlwoaA. corner of CHAS. A. FOtiGER, aJTrent streeVNew York. syPtilXMi LAKE BOAT T.TWW!.
jjsian tuunMuru, president, JAS. O. EVANS, V. President O.LEB A CO '8 BANK, Treasurer. A.
A. EDBXArmBvs, Seoiwtary. Offloe, No. 11 P. Dons, Marine Inspector.
mrietf tuiTena on sec. aw, ai, ij ana iv l.uni. j. ii wwtihsil Aioion. Jackson.
earlttie" TT aaajawAs-s The Passenger Trains on this road run to and from all Trains on roads running aaatef Cbieago; also, ia season to connect with- aU lines of travel going North or niSLrmm WmIm will 2,200.. Chelsea, Ann atoot, Througkrom Buffalo to Bandutkg hour. SOO and 201 BOO SATIUSS mm VUcsm st 8 s'dnek i. mr. Knrwuu.
aim mwuv ni. a Bridge Abutments, on Sections 146; excepted. Thia train eonnecto a Detreit'with the North 147 and 148 1,800.. 1856 Bhere Line Steamers for Buffalo and boats for Cleveland. Bridge Abutments on 1A0 and l51.da 1,600..
and stops at all the regular and signal stations on the line. Tickets can be bad of U. A. i. Murphy, 80 Dearborn street, I hihuiwd i.uiis Aiiae, nteataT-fr and at the office of the Com-j BnssnsTJPPI, M.
HAZARD, Commabdsm, I aw-4m T.W. CLARIH, Agent. THROUGH WITHOUT TTUNBHIPMENT AT opposite the Tremont House. ALBABT OR TBOY. corner of Sherman and Van Saginaw, Packet JJne.i limAAEIxfENT OT THE ERIE CANAIVWESTRRW -f i wiruii wiiaia.
vo recerrea as reer no. is, n.k, sa to Bargee of to EWTJTSUJLB SSHJUIsn UNK, ranning aader special ar- ieBimlsaBdtoconaocttenwitotoC Fraight for New York by Raiiraad ihireirl bs directed te care of "trwiftsure Line," Albany. 1 rreifiit to or from the Wast soungned to oars af our Baf-falo Hoiisa, wfll raceive prompt attention. H. BXDFtKLD A 00, WiJSrtaadVAiS South st, N.
Y. VAN SAiTVOORil A OO, lUrW.ARwjr, apTtf 17 Cenn-al Wharf; BnSalo. CUpper facliet IJne. CorgoelnrriUmmm Ye and AtfWo. Leaves Buffalo Monday-, Wednesday and Friday Evenings.
ST. aVAWHEJVCE, N. MEAD, CoaaAJEDsa, Leaves Buffalo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings. The Schooners ARMADA. ARKANSAS JOHN B.
HENRY, Bupt J. P. TRA0Y. Asst Bupt Ttl' sltrmalil end issniiiislbli Tin. pressor Great Western and With boats toSouta side Lake Erie, and stops at all regular and signal stations east of Marshall, but west of Marshall St the foiinwtno and TUSCOLA, form a Weeklv Mm tn Proposals when and where received At the Engineer's Chicago) April 27, class Boats on the Erie Oaaal aad nilanw bs.
oo Offloe ia the dtv of Rochester, on Tuesday the 18th dav One of the above vessels will leave far Saginaw every week, wind and weather nection at Buffalo with Upper and Lower Lake Line of i Buffalo and Brantf ord. KouitviUe. dog July next, at 10 o'oloek A. M. eesonry! Gibsons, lake, Michigan City, Terre Ooiipee.
Nnes, Decatur, Dpwagiac, Paw Paw, Kalamaioo, Gales. ror rreignt or passage, apply to the Masters on board, ee ifi-l avafo vutmamft, tneiuamo mean SHORTEST ROUTE BETWEEN BUFFALO DETROIT, to 8. T. ATWATER. aw rropeners, win ps piepaied en the eoen-mg of NsTigation to forward MereoasMnsa, sVodaeeTAc, from New York and Albany, aad tolTsaWn Atekm to 2 Custom Hous Bufldings.
i OAnrab A.156,000. COLONIAL LIFE IN8U RANCH OF SCOTLAND. The underslgasd, Agents for' tho. above reliable Companies, are prepared to take Life, Fire and Marine risks, at as low rates as other responsible Companies. A share of Hie public patronage Is respectfully solicited, at their new office, Merchants' Exchange Building, Prime street, adjoining canal.
JOHN B. COLLINS, JOHN N. GARDNER, myaOtf rlaceessors to Wilson A OoUlns. FramsUla Marine and Flra in. Co, y.
no Butfalo to Amdaeiy, including tMalt i and ataU 50 aiottlfewYorltHaJfeuYortCUy i B- i.3T60 western rerts and aaatera dues. -Tbe above Line of and tvn.ni Leaves Chicago at 6 o'clock A. mv, connecting at Michi BT THS S-si-k' 18t4. KO.Ws. 218 800..
S14a I- 15 5,000.. 8,700.. 217 ....11,000.. i 218 14,000.. I 228.i 6,7001 S29 5,800..
fiKNIMIKSJ VAT.T.WT nAMAT. i gan viivj wiw ae. wj hiu oaiem train lor Cincinnati same evening. Returning, leaves Michigan City at 7 80 ularly from our dock, which will eaabte as te rive aH aro- I BUFFALO iBRANlTORD RAILWAY, r. ji, or snsrarnTaiw sc cisuiie train from Cincin.
iWaaaisr Francmt Skiddy ........6 60 iM WARRENS IMPROVEIe, n.i Fire Water Prwesr Cswpeastloat aLaoxa. S. M. A a WAxaxsv CSncInnati. "WAswdi ABiibsbaM, Pbiladalphia.
C. M. AH. M. WAaasx, Bt Louis.
WAasautABsoiBXa, i Buffalo. WM. iaautsvrant. Tan GREAT WE8TEA1T AT PARIS. H.
WAITER a. Praprtedesra. tWDtetetttf lJovi Stjblo, Jf. T. 1 The following First Class "Packets' waTT form a Lsas hLlesea BwAMa, Cassage and toterssniaw rsriasi.
The Steamers of tins Une were buflt the ulesent Mpaaim nan. i NGW ALBANY AND SALEM ROAD, The Evening Express trains from Detroit fe27tf No. 1 Bread, coraert or rrei st, N. V. 1 On and after Monday, the 26th instant, Two expressly for the Route are supplied with ajl the requirements of ihe new Steamboat Law; are of 2000 tons bur.
then, and are unsurpassed in to world for comfort CCKjFOJIjD) IaIITIS. ma? ULiui. sTUA tawlAA, (u Proposals when and where received At the Engineer's ring the naina of NavigaOoo: Office in tos village of Cuba, on Thursday, the 20th day ei, 4 8 ntewrmon. rpHE PROPRIETORS OF THIS INVALUABLE 1 lmprovanient In Roofinr. have been ensramd inie wiu ran aauy, (ewutays excepted,) Marine the New Depot, on Erie street Buffalo, at 10:10 o'clock A.
a and r.at, and Paris at 190 A. aad 8 r. or inv aarnten. ranaef fw strength and speed. No expense has been spared to make this as safe, pleasant, comfortable and expeditious a Route Sections Nos.
82, 88 and 84. 1, m.aiiiaiu. -xans. Biannfactore in the principal cities af the West for the last SUNDAY TRAINS. THE' ABOVE NAMU rpHE OFFICE OF aBarqne GREAT WEST, iwwwv wiw amw oi sno sjxpress rrains rrom Ale- trOU.
i- THROUGH WUHOOT TRAJTSHIPMENY. and in that nine navs eowered the rreater Bos as mere is in me urnon. iiisengors oy It hays ample time for meals, and ar not deprived of their sleeD. Ttm tnni inanranca uompanr. va ana 95 and 96..
OT has been removed to io. i Afiana One Express Train each way wiH be run on. Sunday- J. W. PATTEN A Ofti Bu fialo, ajrreight Train Will leave Paris at 7:15 A.
and Fort ton of the buildings that have been erected in those towns where they have been opcrarlnr mrlnrtlng to Anestnub. Jbsnr EASTWica, AOS 1800 over one of the best constructed (heavy Raa) Roads in leaving Detroit at a p. and Chicago at 8 80 u. The-1 blterque tAfl All Barqaa TRADE WIND, Brig FASHION, Hri trnrA I 98 and sW" aa viiuiOTi dmmw, jHWWDg turougu a SQCCeSBlon 01 Deauu- i The Ooaroanr'a Steamer. Iatarnatlnn.
arm ban th Brown's Building, aver John S. Lee A Cos Banking Office The patrons of this Company are respectfully requested to retain aU policies they may hold for renewal, aa due notic wiU be given of she time of expiration of each and every risk. P. M. MORI ARTY, ui SDwas, ana nca agricultural eountry.
g-awimsnis, Nathan Patten, lit Broad street, an stairs, New York. Michigan Central Freight and Emi greats, 00 p. M. train rrom umcago, and thai at. train fresa Detroit, will be omitted on, but the tram leaving Detroit at 9 p.
M. on Saturdays, will make the etops of the 6 r. a. train of other days. Mi 8,000..
1,000.. 100.. April 1, 1856 1, 1855 700.. C. Ischua Feeder Ischua Aqueduct.
Culvert on Section No. 65.. 'AarasavoKSB, JKS B. Est loan, 406 1x)04 ujm J. CArBOW, 4t0 14,006 M.r.
Dsssoa. 859 re una oniwiinga, mauuiacsonea, swres, resaaences, ex. By the manner in which these roofs bars stood the most severe tests of fire and water, brought against them andcr to most unfavorable circumstances, (hey hare shown that IBIS BOUTS. COsrjTEOTS AS FOLLOWS: imas. a.
aseeser. 1 At Banduskv. with the Mad River and Lair. Eri. B.a.
N. Bi Tnit Route connects with the aavawal Ifeetem South wick AOs 60 Onav stress. Alhanw O.aUr.tJRFOJICI, Yalve Gates. Through tickets to all ports on lake Michigan, Mississrpv Wa IT. AlAAil, Lines terminating In Buffalo, and the Michigan Central to LMaxwell A Patten Leng Wharf and 8hto OaasAj Buftale.
Loak Honsss Bchr. PEARL, (Miiaa Pac't) Taos, tiaxam. gM aOO ut ouu tMMx iituki)w pvuiia rrest. to oe meyiuuy merit the praise that has Deen so nountuuuy bestowed upon them by the most respectable, intelligent and practical men of aU rlsssrs and professions. Our obieot in this adTertiseinent is to interest thnse ner.
ABrroDositlons must be for a road to Urbana, BeUefontaine, Bprtogfleld and Dayton; at Urbana, with ihe Columbus, Piqua A Indiana Railroad; at Dayton, with, the Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton Ran-road to Cincinnati, and with the Indiana Central Railroad to Indianapotis. Lafayette, Terre Haute, and the Wt at Some of to above vessels being to largest oa to Iakea. naa 01 an tne Agents 01 tae une, ana at the offica of thr i m.rf ic rrr Tickets can be procured at toDeaetsxid at XT certain, as to the prfca FIBE INSURANCE IN THE KLiGABAMER can tile and AUanttc Flra Insnxanos Oompanies, of the cityof New York. J0HNP.Iy5KWO0,i GEORGE A VISV Mark raeeages "aVAfottfLiae," and anht 4n0m frees Pier 7, Comties Stin, -1 This old aad wail established line wttt raa fortv-av. firet to be paid or received, for each' an uuv, v.
m. iruMijiwuauii eyery sjna 01 -work; are perncwiarty adapted ior ths trenscartatla(i of Laceeno-Ur, Rakrsad Oars, Tracks aad Uaary MaTatoarr. Ma. street, Buffalo, and at the Office of the OoButamrw ArenUi. in New York, Albany, Detroit and Chicago.
and ho proposition not thus denned will be received or act. I WAAAlUiiB JS. WOBLE, General Agt sonsia this ciy and vicinity who may not have become acquainted with our roofing, to call and examine specimens of viae anaiAe Daeks. wt are prepared to reeerra ana trw.i Hamilton, with the Eaton A Hamilton Railroad to Eaton naggar trecxea tnrougn. JBUssttra, pairandajgnaajid insurance Agsnts, Mercnanir Axchang Buffalo.
aplStf Niagara JPalls class Lake Boats apea the Eris Canal aad North River, and Steamboats, PropsUers aad BaR Tessek apea to Lakes, as esSaeoaoa with resDeaawte Liaas ansa tea Omtm. our wont, assurinc tnem that wa an aver uAudv to xhfbM with despaicb Railroad Iran, LocVaotfTe TMWera, etc on tosaoot forei eate toraia, er ear ftelsht dcUwid t. ana new ussue; at aanunsxy, wua the Banduskv, Mans, field A Newark Railroad to Bhelbj, Mansfield, Mount Ter, toeacaafor their iasiiectteo, aad to sawartail desired sauawsa ewaav y.M ri sf a i s-a UU' rmatien raspwrAiag it sira, a sa the I Ageae for to stove Uaeat New-1 Obteago. 1 iiiiny asSiSi ana rui dw III I pal OS opening of rtevigattoa. to fs aad fraa $1 OtoitrMdoerfnm WasMrvrtoa.
i Boatewm leave a 9 o'clock P.M. or on arrtval at ham now baaa established tbia -eaty Dearly Eva WaLUAM WALLACE. SawV Bufialo, JaaeyiS, 1854. jSt qu upon. Every proposal shall be accompanied by an affidavit, endorsed thereon, of each person unitingln such proposal, that he is not directly or indirectly interested in any other proposal for the same work or materials, or any part of the same; that he has no agreement or understanding with any other person to become interested in any other proposal or contract for.
the same work or materials, or any part thereof; and that no other person than such as shall bs named lathe proposal is interested rathe same, or has any agree- wk writ. iIwmI.Ii L.8UMMER.ARRANGJEMBNTJ i i GOOD HEOTECaTCTLLY years, ana nave covered most or ini mil i iisssssillsliiss teas New York and Albany Express Trains. Trains teave New YorfciOitar ate o'clock A. M. vU N.
Y. wufSV. i.aaiBRF.'TI nr Tarht, Trwy? aavaa inssrm tefrtends and the paatis, that, aavunr bneanUvbuiU a new Casahw moTaasevZaw i Oa and after Monday, May 8th, 18o'sancH farther notice, Trains will ran daily, (Sundays excepted) as fol -ssr sAwassar mK- nv-OX. a a. wmcjuwnnaos win aeeva nests, if-.
rr.t'. i Aa Thankful for the jnhaan that has been so Rbarallyax-i I tended toasbytha citlssnaof BaflatoanaV toceoatry saw Aiacrrareearriea tree to and rront tha Cars and Boate. POKWAKDEKO AND1 COMBOBBIOM 1 Corning andlTcrnr Tork BAilroad W- TRAINS GOING WEST. For Tickets annly en board, er at the office, of BairateA eniargea ana SBaaBaea sBsnresai onsBment, ley are pieuai'-ed to receive enters for CHURCH BELLS of all weftrhuwun a IUUhI fhM raaadtoa, wa ennett a riafaltitsa eeTtto Clipper LAnew inSUAtBtTJV ncui or unocrsHuwing 10 xieoome lufereatea in any con- is: TOWexacateanwaraisaiiisa Ste aswrtatlii sasai new A era vVMauroaa, samtiarare street, er to OiDDer Brie GREYHOUND W. D.
ay Wu, Bjjrw "Man. 1 fepjess. Ac A Night. careandpieispliisssashsfeir'fore. i-n- Plumbers' work, BiraasCoetaefattsb Ooupllnrs, Gun Mountinas.
Cocpar Bints. i.iT3 vv m. ss o-v i 1.1 KVU iraci uiai may oe aiaaa in pursuance 01 ancn proposal, i Every proposal for work or materials embraced taothe above statements shall be accompanied with a bond to the i 1 i vaavao u. uttieua, tMneral Agent, i Ontoe. Dock, foot of Main st, Buffalo.
J. J. HOLLISTER, Agent JeMtf ASHLW.CUJOHI corner Pirlme and IJeyd ste, 1 inxv azzvtu 600 ah Cs.alA'tB 0.40 A -'iJ-S Elmira, Canandaigua, Balavia, Tonawanda, Ar. Niagara F. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD.
arylPtf Ofitoc 281 Mato SA corner Bwaii, up stairs. Bauroad Castings, Steam Erigjne BeUsFiJW Pumr, 96 Trains leave Batavia everv dav. ISundava ex- q.w ry.SA 10KI5 6Q a I Ml loss "6JH hOMO de BANNER NbaX Bsdwb, arte fKFAsMHXOB R. D. Aat, IAjWKLL E.
aUrsna, W. MONTEATHorii, a Htfsjssj arNOs-i. JAjfSS ML. FISH, 712S7PM of a new and unproved Daera.Ittera nuvktoV li2 1 PfPIe tne peaany speeined opposite each AB MrtlSadetothem alwira bond shaU be Jbd a slrt in a l'1Kn1 party making snob proposal and two armor aosma, "ana IB a Beat and. Work.
1 mo-sible anretiM. with anch evldenea of thoir Mnnn.L rasnoaaible sureties, with such evidence of their ivannnd. for Firy w. 1:10 PRESSES. HAVTNG RENEWED HIS LEASE OF THE REED ELBT ATOR for a term of years, and rented wtiuMwiiiiwn.
i No. 1. llus Tisi TTiiiiih atTHfl II n.i a THOMAS ELUS, rYerk. maniiKB manner. it I.
n.iAAML.. ti bilitv as tbe contractine board shall reauire. and Mark tiackarea "New York. T.AM. Ltoe." and sbh bv I t3r We would call the particular attentioa of Stoaaa-' C-X Farg-o 1c 'J, mt DKimao, Mnw wnvZW' COn- nectioa is made with stages for Genesee, six miles distant,) sureties shaB Justify in sums In the aggregate to ine wareaoase ana norrs sssriy eccopn oj v.
V. has faeBJties for storina 1. Expresa-9: pm 9:12 wauarrapoBrswiHri so Our aew and llllllf oved pafr. TRAINS GOING EAST. Leave." Express.
Aeoom. Buspen. Bridge, 5:80 am 2:00 pm Niagara Falls, 6:4 l'Mt SUSS Tonawanda, 79 8:40 Batavia, 13:85 Cansndoigua. 4:40 p6 7:15 wnn eamis faenrtfee re tow I 1 The aeeve isne prepaseu lOflLOOO Jhswkto eeTeTrrala stadl SOUK gPv -7 Ii. "awer ourserres issu- twice ihe snount of gUch penalty, Each proposal must be Accompanied by the certificate of the Sunervisor Of the town, and the Count Cta.
Si. Schooner MIRANDA Gee. Mixsta, do EXCELSIOa Hau, leaaller FOREST CFiV. W. JLirnnt, i- INDUNAr-Paaaz lawaw 7 do CHARTER H.
HowAsn. a 1 i.w. an mues ov nianx roao.i Kiooda iAhrtv. imm Podeaw, aad tnm MewYerk, I i Rolling Freight A fair share of basrneas is' i 06 11:10 1:20 am Bilk nroBntnces 'i i nana, Bath, Savona, Campbell, Coopers, Painted lVietto Commer. eonaeafliis srith to aanseaa aal.
n. i.ii sattcitee. -v 1 v. SAULT STE. MARIE AND County Judge of tbs county in which said surety shall re-sidevor any two of ilienvas to ttio responsibiilty of said aasaiwa BMUeVf t3r Cash paidlor Ooppes, AMap eatSraa Couustw, Hw -aTesrauTTi tw" Office ooraer Ohio and OhsnrimaM ate.
A F. a. mmt. fto.Lfdea-m I Yerit and Erie- aaJiresAlHwrivtociaJNew Yorkin toewo- f-Ar. Elmira, 1 1:06 11:10 'J IaAIsE 617PERIOR EXPBESS.
4a8 Railroad Iron, Israsaeeir-ia, Laaiber, and bsrpsefMBeorsagned to sne, win be an sained wah spateh. WAXbuN A FOxTpiacastrrrd Trains conned at Elmira with Vi iimi TmIh Otevulaiiii J. Heara OV STAPmto ft WMOtsV The uorsons to stag the work anaunnlal: ka. No. S.
rminlil an il fi in isissiiIiiM B-ak a. as. Vl. la eoonacUan with the -1 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. and Erie Raflroad for New York-withwt delay.
reonired by the cootraotAag board to aire the bond for th 4 vai asnress iraia nram sanaa4 t-: aCwawJalWaarr: TYY SAMUEL' GELL, t). SURVEYOR A ITlMieaeborourh-. i i a SAVB'YOUR "BOLES AND YOU WILL save your diaa.s.. QeitowstSw Patent laeteUs Vulear- payment of la borer "a wages, as- required by chapter STB, asasssBi a. ksai irain east aae imnkirk Bsprsss sal, so Mas stn.BvwwaAOo Toteda IX aDtoUasea.
kar 'feS'S" viiwto miywgu. I 1 WILLIAM a. LATHAM, fturUtamdwaC r's'Offlce, CuiaridaigBa, ii XTPON THE OPENING NAVIGATION shall enmawnee running a weeklr kmraw nv I W.ASbepardACa, jm-m of map 01 Niagara uountr, etc- etc, Jrasaas tual Measurement throughout the whole OaiSn, sed Rubber. Mansfartored svni aasl for snanaar wear. Is 01 tbs lawwaa jwft No aocentanee of a proposal or award of a contract bv -f to av-etoie, ii will wear as tong as two Aasiber solea, and ia UIIBMJ, tweeu the above inennonad placea.
toacbinv anaalkaSn. A Veres G4R. WUHasse. JftSteaary Jaines BUck. Detroit Route A Davidson do as J.
F. A.McBrde...ft No. 5 Mail, 80A Mh onarrfval of Way Express from Rochester, and JCmiirrui Irate frmn twl "WESTERN RAILROAD;" Kaby street tear. Far the contracting board, and no contract made by the aaal interest is tbs same, shall be assignable to any person or persona, without the. written consent of the swats A Hove.
A parlor at to following porta Miqoette, Partegn, Oopper Harbor, Eagle Harber.agie River, Oatenagon, le Pointe MAP OF XRIE BicaosLBrittSCO-. w. rwwwa vsver. do tral Railroad at Corning wtth NigBt Express en I New York and sVte IteRroad, arriving la ew York next I4 rT 1-- "Jrf1 nasassw -u-A 4 r- .1 't yse vame eeonomv. ra to No.5.
Ewchanesstrsataad rj-f SAtdFoadduLae, Aiays oi ieavnig and arriving wiilb Oanal have at a small expense, to light additioo made to yoag I aplOtf J. F- Hayeoek A oe, rest Dovar, o. w-- I Koinietay PaeiseBi sic JSasuBrew, aereseVr. ma BUFFAlrO TO Fifteen per cent or me smorari or any work done or ma. its Wewiilittead The surveys are made by experienced Surveyors.
AS the public roads, and trie location of 4he M1B Taveraa, Places of Worship, 'Post Bonaes, Caontry Stores. South SiMHs. Wnaelrigbta, to be auarsTh. aames of' the Property Holders, generally (earerufly melaa- terials furniiuied. atshe contract Driee OaOea A Dash CrANY Am BOSTON thereof.
i if bH'Ji-' RmnrfA. Ae. Bbea. P. WUuasas BpMtf lAtDearott-weeenaeetwithto American Krmtsa servea oy tne uanat ueinnnssiOBer which is the subject of the contract.
SHIPPING AND THE i KUBSCRtBEBS HAVE, I tresrk aad Weaterjs LUa. -siMilviUHnnlfiSMl. am "irr-mnntraniTfiT fcrarintendflnt'S Offloe, Corning, May 8, lsfta. anjl8 J-n 'wav. arrangements with to 4AKtiAN9 RtlBBERY oa ing an souse aa mm onsnnj wHawusonseini aa vanee te the Maps) are also to be inserted upoa their placea, In the esyie WfTHOUT BlAHBHTPMElrY AT ALBANY' OK TBOY.
0MM188IQN ER CHAJfTSy werry screes, www tss.w woras; ww- 01 tne map 01 xompains swasnjw txa aeeviasrsbithetOonnts', tiiin il nf 11 siisd mb aali rsiam vf fli 1 inli ilMsaUaaiiLwnbvig- the proposals made at any meeting thereof, pursuant to A. and 6 and 11 P.M- ,1 consequence of any combination I Passengers by the 0 80 Hunting Express medlaterrtira AR perkagf stoar from to West, eatrnsted to our forwarded witrios slelay. Each Messenger wiU be provided with anireav safe for tomoaeyand vsiuakTs packages. tl "'t- -k-- i OurOfhcaatlWoitwiD be kept wtth to Amerteaa she. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVit' setobbsMa NrwLtoef First Oass Ca- tsaOf PlaseiltW war -EXPRESS UNB OF SAIL YXB8XLB, be found In the D.
States, aad reseufly fcormto saUte 1 NEW BROAD GUAGE ROUTE, BETWEEN, KEWTORK ANB NIAGARA rlUA AND NIAGARA PALLS. Mapsof BnlTalo and abepcinoipat Vniages wffl lie insert II 111 1 1 HI llll IIIS llll II III SHI IIIIS III III. Ill III III III. Illl .1 II II I that they are foil 1 preparea ee exsero aay oraersBW; theyatoyeeBaesdl tBeBjdprOee I Leaving Albany for Boston at 6, and 9 at and' is for the work and maAarialsemaraoodtoei p. M.
press Company's, where any information about the route qoete, Flowers, Fancy Baskets, Wreatka, Ae. Bridal susts tarfnuTSrrsiil.akai.isasssilwiiiaaid aimfioi ALT. fJfjAL. WATER IAMB. MO xSOR ARB FtABTEB.
I wes be svwaared to forward aa kAoos ef prepsst trssa 1 Tsew aa Knft.u, iul an warts SB ths Smm. 1: can no amaioen. ts fc'juHf. stfir to -ssatj jajiss eamtneauargin. lmptoMm bpIeta toBuIteble scale, as to make bo engraved in the style of the Tompkma Oaanty Maw and steliieied to sabseribers hsndsnsnsiy -colored, sad, awantoa- tat FJve 'Dollars' per Baggage Checked throurh from Buffalo to Bnafmv 1 for any foslive occesioB.
AU orders wiH have prompt aS- arets-epsred toeorieraet for freighttag PrsSats, Oootraetoie will be mqmired to reoaire and use in to HrkaU euekssaAsrialeas have heeaaiasioaslv nreenreJ ears aad dumatoa. Thsr nave been enssged ta to bins- termediate places. T-r- CanaiKtalfc-SAa alb jf tasraav jratAe SXaUroaO. r- AWSJIS ejvs earn aad delivered for any of to above work, aad allow anoh frees Chicago, BuBaio, Oswego, any stber portesatolssss, sail Asr to sale of any of to AarlcBltural Warehoeae and Seed Store, i rriesstaareforaaaiaba exhibited at to ssaasai Tbs EXPRESS TRAIN Inavia Tltoaai a Van. 1 II "is i iri: AnearassiM) widsisea fJfaajassuaFhv-- Z5L -j fMieSh de82tf Nee.
11 and 18 WestSeneea aC tea. awl PENIILETON. WHITE A fV inttbf ANGFJPaktlsbev. Pare through to Boston, $19 1 Thai route sBbrds superior advantegesfar Freight. -3BT Passengers should in aU instances prncnreTIiroBgh Tickets to Boston, Sprmgfield, Worcester, Naahaa, Provi- WTt AT IMBroad street Tssar' Mali Train leaves at 8 A.
The EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Oanandslgna at 8 A '-Ar. J- sn si' is---. prior to toe totting. 1 t- Tbe prioea in the contract wfH beeonsidemd as inelBding the expsass ntarnishing all to materials, and narfoi-smmr Bsixralo TryxUp tT A At a CAPITAL 200.900, riTiW SUliSCRrBER lAAmTG LEASER BETWEEN NEW YORK, BUFFALO: DUNKIRK, fflBODr. aUto workacomimgtotheplans, specinoations and aeace ana siowefi, as asa osneaeji.
aba aiasdw-and Railroad, No. 2 Exchange street 1 DlTnftTIm I in. baaaaj xaun as a 1 111 1 mini insimmiiin alia to Night Express Traiae on to New York and Erie and Can-andaiirua and Elmira Rail -BoedK and with Trains sai to I I L' rasss isewse esrav-er-' yearn JAS. EVANS A CO Oaraer Water at aad Bhrp CanaL BaZafo. 'i BAOWMXE, aTBSDLETIMYcCi I sg, nSAWoadssreeTwoliltow 1 naxiA VAXivAnu, n.
aatuao, aoir act AJUt fitto.TTl -MEDIATE woojdsoinoeaceto topabtiothatltbad aaitergims sitae The nersottste wnom tne may ee awarded, -win new orx tjentral llau Atoad tu tteanWaMUSjaanoWsva, The Mail Train abn ooncectswith to Mail TraJnTrTtka laments and repairs has keen 111 fombniidni renaired to enter into sentract for Bid eerlarmaaaa rf nte rODGE HOLMES, MANUFAQTURERS wij eonstaney-jcsi hanif a -general. assortment, at Bwtai, of, Whalebone, Sattoa.Aml Leather at every descrirn AtacOoikin Lashes, Ml Whale- rjtt meopeatngof Naviption, Messexers wffl leave Buf- BEG LEAVE TO IS FORM THE d. BEG tbe biEneststvte of modern elrwanee, and av aow euarea Ontario, Sinacoe and Hi 1 -R. Csuasjelaa I frtaTrHipj'' fvMfi.BBsII Eiiad ft (I tteesa of Buffalo, nW hang swcWd to entire i wet withia tea days after tosame shaH have been awarded to him, spaa to terms preasribed by the ewanmeting te alliesoecUfor thgtKmielusi scosrrawianresroww 1C irirown neiress lM had at tne trrsees er ttw rinrrmatrv nvrnss rasewmes W.Ltoe aaa inwcreat 01 wlt. oan sanns, ass aid ee Yasnrhand nao and iiemsxrs, aauy, aauuays exeeptea, tor NewYork Bad.
Intel mediate places on the Albany and Buffalo and New York and farto F.ilraarl.aad for Erie aad Intermediate placea, by Bnjfalo and State Line giflrnad, alao by The location of this House is central and command insj at to Falls and Caaaridateaa, and at rheorBeesof to New smaro. xoraaaaanaaaMroaa cemremsr, asroos er Aroana street being in the very heart of the etty, I ccsrdgaeas to sash railroad depot P1Vatngt mast I with their nieces of naidasma. ud to telwJ tabteii4 BOOT AND BHOB STORE, He. 28a Mate street itS Ertead aaexwsawveaddrjloeatore I eflwrtogteto pubua terra, and oasapteteaasurteisst. GenDepofJoade to order and neatly repalredj I The naree or aw Bash Balance, and Whalebone writtea out In full.
ai lines svjbiui is wjw inns nanaai im niawaS A)eJlale auast jmwasAAvaa 1 Bt Road, speaed ia May last to lkaBtoseee, isexpeet-ed to be completed to to Bay, Lake HavcaVa disteneeof Maulee, toJsmeaexston. wifi tarmTkZ -i -t i Moanae. liZLZJt-tZZ I rorainfj tbe finest view of Buffalo and tbe adjacent country. 2nd to adjacent country. and corner of Dey street and Broadway, New Yes.
(- N. B. Basrage Checked through. No charge for hand- to ueveiana, naiwinssy, axmcqo, DeaJersan4Wobi ii-rf-aif f-OAl'fW. plansv specincauoos, Quantities of matertale, sontraets and beads will be read for to to eery, I tot east be had sn todty.
f. rt? i nng. bask saun ennsssnssnoanav te ean(aad 18S4 aagreaaua roaie ss. tne Marsh Weatera tehige sad tenths Mineral Segioae en I several iiuesof iteitreaaa. I a crisriri irrMt Aim MUwaukceaBdSt SlMmliMdaA.
etojt etet Ontoe, V. A H. F.a B. WBOTB, JrAstienattosavsl places speeined to witeaetlee; ten days "vwelto- comforts ef a pliasanthome.in bahaif of sit who may favor I Thefc Fh-at ClsMvrenels i'A-eeirnr awade ef to best self, Mdysasreeee and pateaf Ira tor. ST- Each EAiaesa to sersf in dam 1 iniiT -TosrtraJt siST? WiU luduritur aadaliTwaaAw7c wiQ rand th rianiii Tratea laavw- Tiaiml.
Sku imIimi niiiilirsr tosteamsr as aa, Gaiters, Slippers, Baara, for I arttrs' wear aoreta- IPMmM. gore, provided wiia Jroa cheste for to safety of vakeabts SKWVAMjo HIAOAItA.FAAijuSl niTT.nrf.n, soiles) daily, at 8 At. and 80 P. At. ratuiuing ijmq tw unwiij, HENRY PrTZHUOH, litat ica PRFDEBICK FOLLETT, CORNEIJUSGARD1NIER.
Loadon, Canada, May Ptower aad Empire eate, saay aow fttetovy te WliYG iJLDDED srwaaAsntas siimsa. aaa tjejidreB's Baste, ibsss, Atos bwss, res of ovary etjle Bad doscripttsar; ali ef waicb are 1. 1 inn-. i Who need, that he te read. tZSS' inform those Oa to opening of a -wfll plyssi 'H.
VAN ALLEN. anwaniassd toi nlil with every 'variety and stVte. 5" Hteia nniMi I KITiiMaTB, AnnAHGEMENT. HOTJKD, W. D.
RasMrsi 1 FROWST BURNS, LH.Oean, -i- BAMUIXsUAsa, 'tjavin BV tnAaaa. I Hi. Canal OoersiisBionr; JAMES M. COOK, fit a. 1.
need at to Lewasr Peeama Pssca. Aeafl wasiiciterl, whenby sa examinsttoa af toeaaDiy let to a i Irait, loowng Fertralt, xoung 1 i.wvfp ciiiiMip lmH wua wo will convey passengers through that Lake and Lake Ckinchirjiing, to Orilla, when a abort portage of 18 mites wffl take tbem to the waters of Lake Horea, to toe SteasaerKatoolah) which fans to the Basil ilin Mai is end ina liate nisls wiarn ana Beta sra7E11 ut desire. moulds Being -ry can workmen of the first clasa, rtus aAKKT" Notice to the JPabUc. 4 THE -SUBSCRIBER WISHEa fO inform tbe dtraenaof Buffalo and vicinity, that after larxte ef arveral asoato. be has re.
Bfar, scavduia 7 waua.vaaBB, ana price or my stock, 1 feci eeandent xeawni saver to On and after Mondav. Mav 8. ths trains rjniriai av awT. it. bahis, scot.
r. 5 wv ssssassaaasa WUXiPlf WaU' ea V-Aa jei8lf -1 gtate Engineer and BBrreyor." ansiaria l-navai at. sUmBB. ri tag to most expeditious and agreeable route to to Mineral i tWork tesBirfirtured to ertler saW warrant toer Tparticalar. -1- jjagoel JQfflf a.ARK.aMfai street 1 Tr 1 Is a 1 train teres Buffalo 15 A Ii -11.
j. 1 in- 00 A. M. 4 1 f-- lOWalL tmsastos, fargo cC if a 1 '107 MafastBtrlfalo. business araln at his old sxaad.
KVs 99 Mala and St of to sbsvs VBsstls are under to eow.i TraeAOae tveaMa aacwum Ateauna; nnd ftoiKrer Klret Uos. -1 aP tja WLIMAjgM Mh, tA SlurtJ IC3 THE TIRST OF STAYUAi iiegioos 01 Aaxes xiurea ana euperlor Mi-f Arrangements be made aa the oornpietixxi efAae reaAto to Georgian Bar, for a line of first clssa Steamers prrteemd sassA, and Skippers demng safety aad drnahh. will sad It for shea sassrest te psAesuae ase ahs.a Uum T5. at vj. -t'i t-' i-w P.
M. SV. i 1 Hoy strseta, where be will be bappy to see all ate old cae-tevaera, and as many new sacs as amy ehaess to give kiss aeaRw lie wooid aA take this opportunity sf teodermg Aaaerieaxi Kxpa-esa Caaapaojr. a vu Vtte SUBSCRIBEE3 HAVING MADE AR- in 1 iiwillaii I 6 a. av sb tMieuo.
uhu; arms puna on sasa siianigBa. AILY- EXPEESS. TO AND FROM TOKON ARE tDOLICE OFFICEBS nS0Fi' TiiE CITY fol6tf A. BRUNlXBarrintendent. aD ehs are aamred that aU the tetest improremeota areeo ed in our Stoves ere mainly of onr wwa tattas4ejswarran r'THOaAVDUDLEYAOOs .1 a -i 1st train teaves Niagara TalU at.
,..7 15 M. i l- 80 A.AL JL rrrrimisjeT. ar ss km an 1 Bun'srAXb AND rxKrcpoaT. J-J Waodatock jm! laXidenj a JsessefisBreWltf 1'Xvs to'effiee daflv fSandan mi tor aws iissrs. vwwviiaa.
iiiawwi auwaras aim lor the past twenty years, andbehopee by strict attenttea te bnsinsaaitogetor with keeping eoaatantiy en hand ths ehetosat aad beet selectroaesf aU kinds ef MEATS to saasw ed ars neni rwHKUB.im'-'- and. Win connection with their toforavthidrnw, s- 91 Obis street, wwbW respectfolly wiu- keep cCf natreass and aba- puboo general ly teat they single ar douW4 and a re-prepared to axeonie ordera for 1 1:1. aasl II nS aBaT DoafosruauagateiTatbsAaos4ter.wifhtowssa 84 -r-a. M. pSmtoBSttosteak ar ti jmnainnoge.
4 6th -id to Ient, -7-- ket altards, to aierlt a ranttnnanos ef to former ti BUELE A 1S0ORZ7 eia i -1 AAwiTm, rAiw a mr any dlmms psas. St wfow nir wiam mm wcu an-w -n 1st train leaves Boffato at. os) A. M. AalJF farTk Twsf AHsT aTri71llwV no hajuJx, son peery st AND HIP CHANDLER Y7K0 tnrlsmo say4tf a lenaas trENBT aUorai DwimC e.rtosite the Bethel Obereb, easabie af fid fi iij.A.'-.n.iJ....
Ji 80 P.M. raa ft ism at i vnm AUrl JU.V Vll SS ti AFA. As7a lAUvteg Buffalo at 9 AM, and the Fails at I 0P.M. jTrains run on Albany time, whicn, is 15 minutes aurter Btaa Buffalo tasev "irOLOS- NOS. 28 MAIN Aingay orsests 'V he jl anafliwies toxtevote his I Peek, a ban will taa fcuinA r-n iiami I ardarV4' OKK MAS (Jf AC? US- BaV.jrcm and rGiClSK FARINA QQh los-e-4oc sale try -raI sWWei.
AA Wm A1VUH s' wsreet- 'A terse swppty ef Stock givu-nniaediately. oouir2 HOLT, PALhajt A OO, fclarias Block, Onto at iUv farred sad MaaUla Caraaga, Aacbors sad Caaina, Otis 1 Sttontioa totoaaasof bi prsnsrlrsi, -I A note sbresvh to Post Oifica. ar IsA at Mr. saarrirs I ISO Sunday train ears run on Albany trme. GkO.
H. Asst Bupt B9 and lr-trnrit tntue Art, aUSTQ 1 HATKSrBxfMs. Ttu" WMuraA.n, Kw-wal) i laws tiff aUiassTsftt K0es.W-iIw-BvalaSAi6AL v- i 1.